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Posts posted by ejackson30

  1. 1.) DON'T USE YOUR MAIN ACCOUNT! (Don't do it. Ever.)

    2.) Don't post too many items in the AH at once. (Blizzard can track the amount of gold you make and can/will attribute this to botting.)

    3.) Scout the areas where you will be botting and make sure that those areas are not high traffic areas, as this could lead to a bot report (there have been cases where one bot report has resulted in perm ban). Also, make sure there are no enemies in the area that your character is unable to dispatch. (If you continuously die, you can't be successful.)

    4.) Watch the profile you are using for a short while to ensure that it is not causing your character to become stuck in one area as this could lead to unfruitful harvests and/or bot reports (see above).

    5.) Don't tell anyone about your botting habits because no matter how close a friend you think they might be, people still have morals in this day and age (lol).


    As for the amount of time, I'm a power botter and run the program ~16 hours or more per day. Depending on your server population and how comfortable you are with losing an account, it's really up to your own judgement to decide how much you use the program.


    Anyways, these are the steps that I use myself. If anyone has anything to add please do, or if you object to any of the suggestions please feel free to express. We are all part of a community here and as such should help each other with best practices. Cheers!



  2. I had the fisherbot running for about 18 hours straight on my main when I caught those 4 tiny red carp yesterday. I'm really brave  :D  I used to bot 24/7 a few years back. Seems like there are not a lot of botters on my server. But yes, I will look into leveling up my miner and going from there. How much do 200 bars go for on your server? And also what about the prices of skins?

  3. Great input. Thanks GTXMike. I also thought about taking my vanity pets and spreading them out across my characters to put them on the ah. Can bliz track down that all of the toons I post with are from my account?

  4. Probably the most ridiculous question to ever be asked...


    What's the quickest way to make the most gold? I'm looking to start my own raiding guild and want to be able to fund it without having to worry about anything. But I also want to AFK during the day and bot myself into some gold. Any suggestions?

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