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Everything posted by iMod

  1. there are two ways... 1. if(condition) { // Do something } else { // Do something else } 2. if(condition1 || condition 2) { // Do something } For your example i would use if((health < 90) || (health > 50)) { // Do something } Hope that helped.
  2. Well, if you create a new thread you need to call the dispose method if you stop (not pause) the bot for example. If you don't work with your own threads you don't need to take care of it. Since i don't know how you call your routines or pulse it i can't say too much.
  3. Do you double checked your fight class that you dispose threads if you dont need them anymore? I would check another fight class to make sure its not an figth class issue. Or are you using the fight class editor?
  4. i'm not sure if tbc has that kind of LUA Function but yes you could check it like that was and return true or false. second solution would be using c# Something like this: return (ObjectManager.Me.TargetObject?.GetAllBuff().FirstOrDefault(s => s.ToString().Contains("BuffName") && s.Owner == ObjectManager.Me.Guid)?.Stack ?? 0) < 3; You need to change BuffName into your spell name and change the condition at the end if you want another count. Not tested but hope it helps.
  5. 1. If i'm not wrong you can set that up in the generall options otherwise take a look here List<Vector3> path = new List<Vector3>() {new Vector3(-8770.368f, 842.1389f, 90.03706f)}; // Move to the given position MovementManager.Go(PathFinder.FindPath(path), false); while (MovementManager.InMovement && Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndAliveAndProductStartedNotInPause && !Conditions.IsAttackedAndCannotIgnore) { Thread.Sleep(100); } // Stop moving MovementManager.StopMove(); Hope that helps.
  6. Einfach den Zauber auswählen den du benutzen willst, bei conditions "Buff" auswählen und dann den Namen eingeben von dem Zauber den du haben willst damit er den ausführt. Kurz: Zaubern, wenn XY(Buff) auf dir ist. Liegt es an den Englischkenntnissen oder dem Verständnis wie der FightClassEditor aufgebaut ist?
  7. Du kannst doch bei den conditions einstellen das du einen bestimmten buff haben musst damit er den spell ausführt.
  8. I bet you get a null exception // Do we need to move? if (ObjectManager.GetWoWGameObjectByyId(190118).FirstOrDefault()?.GetDistance < 75 ?? false) { // Move wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPosition(new Vector3(1006.06f, -6288.57f, 98.98875f)); } This should remove the error if i'm not wrong.
  9. It depend at what kind ID you want to use. If you want to use the mob id this could be something for you. ObjectManager.GetWoWGameObjectByyId(1234).FirstOrDefault()?.GetDistance < 75
  10. Welcome to wrobot, would be new for me that the quest bot does't work. There are paid profiles for the offical patch in the quest section. About your death problem check your settings and maybe your fight class need some improvements to be more solid against mob groups ect. There should be some other posts about problems with the blacklist. If you have errors just provide us a log file. Happy botting
  11. But that means it wont heal until it stops walking right?
  12. This should work but not tested. Regrowth.cs
  13. Some nice conditions and examples are written from @inselmann at What you are looking for is not in the quest profile, it is in the fight class. You just need to add the C Sharp condition and insert Lua.LuaDoString<bool>($"return IsSpellKnown({new Spell("SpellName").Id});"); Replace SpellName with your spell name! You also can use the lua condition LuaScript: local result = IsSpellKnown(SpellID); VarRet: result ValueRet: true Replace SpellID by the real spell id! Not tested but give it a try. Make sure you de-activate the "Check if know spell". Downside is that you need to add it for all spells.
  14. Oh damn this was the best idea :D thanks alot I totaly forgot that option.
  15. Thanks alot, but i'm looking for a documentation. Yes the list helps me to search for the right function and check it out at http://wowprogramming.com/docs/api_categories and so far it is working kinda nice.
  16. Hello, i'm looking for a page that only has the 3.3.5 Wotlk API documented. Would be nice if someone could help me out with it. Thanks in advance, iMod
  17. Not really you just need to create a lua condition with IsSpellKnown and turn the inbuild check off like @Droidz said. But yes quest profiles are not done in one day :P
  18. You can create random paths if you are able to code a bit. People who botted by them self will allways see if a character is botting or a real player is sitting behind it.
  19. Problem of Moonfire was the mana condition equal 0. I changed some stuff, hope it helped. vec druid.xml
  20. To receive help, please provide your fight class here.
  21. Short answer: You can't as far i know. I have some equal problems with spells in my dual spec routine. For example you activate your other spec, you are forced to restart your bot.
  22. The chance to be reported by a player is verry high in bg.
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