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  1. So does the bot only go to mailbox or vendor when bags are full? Do I have to record path to mailbox or vendor or does the bot know where to go when bags are full?
  2. Yeti skinning provides sometimes also Thick Leather. You can also use mining with this profile (Gold ore + Iron ore)
  3. Version 2.0


    Heavy leather skinning profile in Feralas. Require flying mount. Profile gives high number of stacks heavy leather/thick leather/Silk cloth in hour. Approx: 200 loot / hr and most of the loot stack 20. With 100 slot free in bags it takes 10 hours to fill all bags I recommend using making four macro and use it them on Wrobot options ->"My Macro" /run for bag = 0, 4 do for slot = 1, GetContainerNumSlots(bag) do local name = GetContainerItemLink(bag,slot) if name and string.find(name,"ff9d9d9d") then PickupContainerItem(bag,slot) DeleteCursorItem() end end end (That destroys all grey items from bags) and for the other 3 macro change "ff9d9d9d" value to Sweet nectar, Wild Hog Shank and Greater healing potion (That way you get most of the bags filled with leathers) I do not use NPC or mailbox because they are unreliable in my hands. Profile users should also use pause bot if player nearby option.
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