Make sure you start wow in 32-bit.
Make sure do you use WRobot on administrator Windows session.
Try to disable your antivirus/firewall.
Delete completely WRobot folder, again and install it again.
Reinstall Framework 4.0, DirectX 9, DirectX 11, Redistributable Visual C + + 2010 (X86) and SlimDX (4.0 X86).
If the bot does not work at all, that WRobot freeze, change the version of DirectX that wow uses (do not forget to restart Wow).
Reset key bindings Wow (the bot uses Forward, Backward, Jump, Sit / Stand, strafe right and left, but I suggest you reset everything).
Some wow addon can cause problems, so disable all.
Close Windows program like Teamviewer, teamspeak (these programs can cause problems at WRobot).
is not helped, my druid runing with target and fight melee auto attack