This is one of a few I have, if you guys find it decent I'll upload more classes and specs. Sept 30, 2015 - Update As I forgot to give everyone my talent list that I used for the creation of this profile, here it is. 15 - Double Time 30 - Impending Victory 45 - Sudden Death 60 - Storm Bolt 75 - NA 90 - Bloodbath/Avatar (user preference) 100 - Seigebreaker (this will be switching to Anger Management on the next release when I smooth out the timing/rage efficiency, as it provides the greatest potential DPS output) I have finished the following using this Profile as a rotation: - All Looking for Group dungeons AS dps. - All of Highmaul in Looking for Raid AS dps - created custom farming profiles using this as the fight class.
Thanks, Sean Ps. Helpful tips/suggestions are always welcome