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Everything posted by cn3588

  1. http://www.wowhead.com/npc=85632/challenge-post
  2. The NPC = 85632, so in pet battle will not start fighting. <Position> <X>1892.486</X> <Y>350.3906</Y> <Z>88.96585</Z> <Type>Flying</Type> </Position> <Faction>Alliance</Faction> <Type>None</Type> <ContinentId>SMVAllianceGarrisonLevel2</ContinentId>
  3. like for the Fight Class Editor is FightClassUI=true, what is for Easy profile creator
  4. very simple question how to set the bot to equip every high lv item if available ?
  5. cn3588

    skip bad hotspot

    somthing like Reason: Node took more than the allowed 20 seconds to loot. Activity: Moving to next hotspot some time the ore under the ground, and wrobot try to get it all the time then get 25+ blockage in sec.
  6. you have probably launched 2 times bot with same license key Hi my friend, I have 7 account bot with them. I high recommendation to use unlimited key. I have the same issue before, this not a software issue. BTW the unlimited key only work with 1 ip, but you still can use the bot free with 15min reopen.
  7. Hello Is there have any document or API list or some simple demo can show it the some main function ? for the plugin part only support c#?
  8. Hello Maybe something already posted but I didn't find it. 1. How to TP, if i want go to MOP from Stormwind. example in HB <If Condition="(Me.MapId == 0 &amp;&amp; Me.IsAlliance)" > <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="SW Portal" X="-8199.441" Y="529.3228" Z="117.0738" /> <CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" /> <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="215457" Range="4" X="-8194.479" Y="528.1129" Z="117.2901" /> <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="10000" GoalText="Waiting for port {TimeRemaining}" /> </If> <If Condition="(Me.MapId == 1 &amp;&amp; Me.IsHorde)" > <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="Org Portal" X="2013.813" Y="-4699.559" Z="28.61817" /> <CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" /> <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="215424" Range="4.75" X="2014.819" Y="-4700.274" Z="28.62439" /> <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="10000" GoalText="Waiting for port {TimeRemaining}" /> </If>2. how to purchase item from NPC, example I want purchase 408 item from NPC at MOP. <Hotspot X="614.9892" Y="2120.453" Z="368.6021" /> <Vendor Name="全副武装的伦" Entry="65172" Type="Repair" Nav="Fly" X="617.0347" Y="2120.123" Z="368.0559" />
  9. sorry don't have log right now, but you can try it 7/10 times get this issue area : Stormwind - Dwarven District
  10. Hello I don't know why Wrobot get blockage most of time. Before I set 25 blockages to logout, the bot only run about a hour. don't think this is path issue, since I use short schedule temporary to solve this issue, when I set 20-30 gatherer and 5-10 logout, the bot will not get blockage. I have recorded during the bot run, look like bot find something on the ground try go get it , but nothing there so and 1 ms bot let fly up. so in the case just down up down up in the few second. 17 九月 2015 15H19.log.html 18 九月 2015 14H12.log.html 18 九月 2015 15H27.log.html 19 九月 2015 19H30.log.html
  11. Hello Anyone can code the Mobile Guild Banking and Battle Standard Dropp ? this much helpful
  12. Do I need stop use BOT until get update ?
  13. Hi WoW just get update from 20444 to 20490, but the Wrobot still working. so offsets didn't change this time?
  14. any different to use Wrobot without DX hook? by the safety situation . Thanks
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