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Posts posted by cn3588

  1. http://app-cdn.firestorm-servers.com/launcher/FirestormLauncherSetup.exe



    I believe this is biggest 7.0.3 private server. would like to ask to add this support.


    right now only 22345  and 22810


    The address information. Please modify the address and help some private server user to use it.



    Thank you

  2. The NPC = 85632, so in pet battle will not start fighting.



  3. you have probably launched 2 times bot with same license key

    Hi my friend, I have 7 account bot with them. I high recommendation to use unlimited key. I have the same issue before, this not a software issue.

    BTW the unlimited key only work with 1 ip, but you still can use the bot free with 15min reopen.

  4. Hello

    Maybe something already posted but I didn't find it.

    1. How to TP, if i want go to MOP from Stormwind. example in HB

    <If Condition="(Me.MapId == 0 &amp;&amp; Me.IsAlliance)" >
    		<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="SW Portal" X="-8199.441" Y="529.3228" Z="117.0738" />
    		<CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" />
    		<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="215457" Range="4" X="-8194.479" Y="528.1129" Z="117.2901" />
    		<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="10000" GoalText="Waiting for port {TimeRemaining}" />
    	<If Condition="(Me.MapId == 1 &amp;&amp; Me.IsHorde)" >
    		<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="Org Portal" X="2013.813" Y="-4699.559" Z="28.61817" />
    		<CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" />
    		<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="215424" Range="4.75" X="2014.819" Y="-4700.274" Z="28.62439" />
    		<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="10000" GoalText="Waiting for port {TimeRemaining}" />

    2. how to purchase item from NPC, example I want purchase 408 item from NPC at MOP.

    <Hotspot X="614.9892" Y="2120.453" Z="368.6021" />
    <Vendor Name="全副武装的伦" Entry="65172" Type="Repair" Nav="Fly" X="617.0347" Y="2120.123" Z="368.0559" />


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