This also get stuck on the wooden spikes in Warsong Gulch. Don't know why bot goes that direction away from team. Also, instead of following group will go back inside and then go down ramp or goes left down the hill.
Map name MPQ: PVPZone03
My Position: 1047.493, 1520.385, 339.7448, "None"
My Position Vector: new Vector3(1047.493, 1520.385, 339.7448, "None")
My Position XML: <Vector3 X="1047.493" Y="1520.385" Z="339.7448" Type="None" />
My Rotation: 1.616848
Got the AB stuck point
Map name MPQ: PVPZone04
My Position: 885.5356, 1173.784, 9.432649, "None"
My Position Vector: new Vector3(885.5356, 1173.784, 9.432649, "None")
My Position XML: <Vector3 X="885.5356" Y="1173.784" Z="9.432649" Type="None" />
My Rotation: 0.1898402