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Posts posted by Rickster

  1. I'm not sure of the effort involved, but it would be nice if there was some way to script an update for minor patches like this? I suspect that it is something along the lines of the offsets needing to be re-generated. If that were the case, a tool that allows users to generate them as need would be a big help. I suspect that Droidz is on the other side of the world from me and likely in bed at this hour.



  2. I have found that in the new Nighthold instance that some bosses (not all) Wrotation will not start until you enter the 2nd phase of the fight. 

    Bosses include:

    Star Augur Etraeus


    Guldan, and one more that I can't remember?

    The issue is that once combat starts, Wrotation just does nothing. I have to manually do my rotation until the 2 phase hits (this seems to be the only consistent thing that relates to all scenarios) then the rotation starts working as normal.

    Anyone else having this issue? Ranged DPS class (BM hunter) and I have tried "attack all selected targets" and "launch rotation when combat starts" options with no effect...


  3. Also, something you can do to replicate the issue easily. Go to the tower outside your garrison, and attack the damage dummy. The first shot fires, but then the target turns neutral and the rotation stops. This doesn't happen on the tanking dummy FWIW.


    I don't seem to have this issue with my feral druid, just my hunter.


    Digging and experimenting further, it looks like having "Launch rotation when combat starts" is the issue?

  4. Using "is Spell Useable" was not always triggering as it should, the ultimate solution is to use "is Spell Overlayed" in conjunction with "casting Spell Name" in the conditionals.

    ========= Conditionals =========

    is spell overlayed: Kill Shot, True

    casting spell name: Cobra Shot, true


    That in addition to the LUA spell entries above:

    CastSpellByName("Kill Shot");

    It is working great!

    Thanks again,


  5. I did some experimenting and I think the problem is that the LUA call is protected?

    I removed the spell is usable kill shot check in the conditions for testing so that it would simply cancel Cobra Shot each time it was cast. This had no effect and CS continued casting.

    If I replace  SpellStopCasting(); with message("text");

    The screen shows a message box with "text" each time Cobra shot starts to cast...

    The documentation shows that it is protected.


    Any way around this?



  6. I have been creating a hunter profile for awhile now. I am pretty happy with the fight class editor, nice work! 

    One thing I have not been able to figure out is how to cancel my Cobra shot (or any other shot that takes awhile to cast) if my kill shot is castable (target health under 20%). At the moment if I am casting, and Kill shot becomes available to use, I have to wait for the current cast to finish.

    Thanks all, 



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