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Everything posted by Lilalm

  1. Yes, I have tested both plugin scripts that you suggested, but I'm still experiencing the same problem with spells being displayed in Chinese. Here's an example of the logs I'm still getting: [F] 19:32:58 - [Spell] Cast 霜甲术 (Frost Armor) [F] 19:32:58 - [Spell] Cast 霜甲术 (Frost Armor) [F] 19:32:59 - [Spell] Cast 霜甲术 (Frost Armor) As you can see, despite using the plugins, the spell names continue to display in Chinese (霜甲术) even though the English name appears in parentheses. I've also tried modifying my fight classes (Warrior and Mage) to work around this issue by using direct Lua commands to cast spells, but this hasn't resolved the Chinese detection problem. I'm attaching the scripts I've tested below. If you have any other suggestions or solutions, I'd be grateful to hear them. Thank you for your assistance. CastSpellByName to Cast Macro (2).cs Main (1).cs
  2. WRobot Spell Casting Language Issue Problem Description I'm experiencing an issue with the WRobot bot where it's detecting spell names in Chinese characters (simplified Chinese), even though my game client is set to English. This causes spells not to be cast properly during combat. Technical Details When the bot tries to cast spells during combat, the log shows Chinese characters instead of English spell names. Example from logs: [Spell] Cast 英勇打击 (Heroic Strike) The bot seems to recognize the English name in parentheses but still tries to cast using the Chinese characters. Because of this language mismatch, the spells fail to cast properly and combat functionality is broken. What I've Tried I've attempted to implement a plugin that intercepts spell casting events and replaces them with direct /cast commands using the English spell names. I've tried several versions of this plugin with different approaches (event hooks, log monitoring). The plugins compile correctly but the issue persists - the bot continues to detect spells in Chinese. Log Sample 14:32:52 - [Fight] Player Attack Small Crag Boar (lvl 3) [F] 14:33:00 - [Spell] Cast 英勇打击 (Heroic Strike) [F] 14:33:00 - [Spell] Cast 英勇打击 (Heroic Strike) [F] 14:33:01 - [Spell] Cast 英勇打击 (Heroic Strike) Request I need assistance to: Fix the language detection so the bot uses English spell names instead of Chinese OR provide a working plugin that can properly intercept the Chinese spell names and replace them with English commands OR guide me on how to modify game or bot configuration files to ensure consistent language detection Thank you for your assistance.
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