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  1. Which Shaman profile are you using? Also what profile are you using on the Grinder to level with? The 85-90 Jade Forest one? Also make sure in your options that you have everything set up correctly. I am going to soon make a step by step guide with pictures how to set the bot up (IMO the best way) but it will be over this weekend.
  2. Well with the latest update to the bot, it seems to be working again?? Lol, I don't know, maybe I just had a setting wrong that I changed without knowing it
  3. Yeah, I should have been more specific - I believe it's a problem with connecting to the authentication server for the license key. Not a problem with the actual license key itself. The trial account probably does not have to go through an auth server. I could be totally wrong, it's just my guess
  4. Yes, I believe it is an issue connecting to the server - Not with the license key, I am sure it will be fixed shortly
  5. Hmm, well I am not near my computer to test it out myself. But it could just be having a problem connecting to the server. If anything I would try restarting your computer if you have not already just to make sure there is no other instances running. If that does not work, probably a connection issue.
  6. Possibly you have the incorrect license key entered? That's kind of what it is sounding like, or possibly are you trying to run multiple sessions? I would make sure there is not another session running in your task manager without you knowing
  7. Hello all, First off I would like to introduce myself. I have been in the botting community for many years. I like to be very active in the community and help others as much as I can. For most of my botting career I have mostly just been mooching off others, besides the occasional profile or fight class that I create and upload. However, I now want to create something that will be of great use to the community. I just recently started using WRobot and am very impressed with it so far. So for my first project I would like to make a Dungeon product based off the Grinder product for WRobot. I know Droidz mentioned before he would be working on something similar (So Droidz if you see this and you are already quite far along in the progress feel free to cut me off so we don't overlap). Basically the product will be simple - It will be for any dungeon that you solo, so this is not meant for Party/Group dungeons. Basically it will automate the process of entering a dungeon, running through it and looting/mining, and then zone out, reset the dungeon and then zone back in. It will mostly be a way for just soloing any dungeon that you can solo, if there is a rare mount in it for instance or just getting lower level items for twinks/money. This post is to ask all of you what kind of features you would like to see for the bot. Any ideas are welcome and I will try to implement as many as possible. Also I will note that this will probably take me some time because I am new to C# programming. I come from a huge web development background, but web programming is very different from object oriented programming. However, I will work at it as much as possible. Thanks, GL and HF botting - Stay safe
  8. da8ball, This is most likely because EoTS has changed quite a bit with the latest patch (5.3). The profile most likely needs to be re-done. So I would suggest creating your own or requesting one to be made. If I have some time, I will get around to making one. I am working on some other projects though for the bot currently though.
  9. Hey just another real quick thing - Would it be possible to get the Deaths/Kills information from the Bot onto the remote page? The reason I ask is so I can see if my character is constantly dying then there might be a problem and I will probably just close the bot from there.
  10. Hello, So I don't think this was happening before the 5.3 update on WRobot, but it seems like on my Enhancement Shaman, I am using [Ohren] Enhancement Shaman fight class and before the patch it seemed everything was great. However, now it seems like on some mobs it won't do the whole rotation (for this instance I am in The Jade Forest and on the profile that comes with WRobot for 85-90. The Elite snakes when it gets to those, it only does half of my Fight class rotation. It will not cast Primal Strike or Lava Lash. But when it goes to a different type of mob (in this case the Wasps) it will do the full rotation. Just wanted to bring it to your attention. Everything else so far seems to be running smoothly. Thanks!
  11. Thanks for being so quick! Awesome work!
  12. Thanks for the response creativeextent - I did figure it out, I just wasn't looking in the right spot of the profile. Thanks!
  13. Hello, I see that a lot of people have great feedback on the site, and I know you probably would like to be able to get some of these changes made. Well I am here to offer my help if you would like. I work as a full-time web developer, and just started using Wrobot and it's an amazing bot. Anyways send me a PM if you're interested. I would do this free of charge as well since I don't think you need much of a website, just a simple design that we can throw up on Wordpress CMS. I know this sounds too good to be true :) but I really am just in a helping mood plus I live and breathe web development. Also I think what you already got started is great so there wouldn't be much transition.
  14. How do I blacklist the opposite faction? So that I will not target them and try to kill them? Thanks for any help!
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