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Everything posted by Shadow

  1. [GRINDER][16-20] Northern Barrons - Vender/Repair - Horde Vender and Repair are done by the same npc, that is Horde affiliated inside of Nozzlepot's Outpost. The grinding path runs in front of the Outpost then loops around the Sludge Fen. Vendering isnt quite working as well as id like, Im not sure if this is bot related or something that needs to be added to the profile. Bags fill up, and bot seems to vender/repair whenever it wants. Im thinking this is because I use the same npc for vender and repair, and due to all BoA gear, the bot doesnt need to repair often, thus doesnt vender often. but im honestly not sure. I leveled to about 21-22, again mobs turned green. Im currently working on a new profile to level from 20+ :) Test character was a lvl 17 Blood Elf Warlock, dressed in all BoA gear, including weapon and ring. Obviously overpowered for grinding, so this may or may not be slightly more painful or take longer for a character that does not have leveling gear. Download - Auto installer - <16-20 Northern Barrons Grinder> " target="_blank" title="16-20 Northern Barrons Grinder">16-20 Northern Barrons Grinder Comment if you have improvements or need help.
  2. I believe this has been fixed even though OP never responded, tagging as answered and locked.
  3. Version v1.1


    Basic Horde grinding path from 10-16, starts at south gate to Cross Roads, and venders and repairs inside. Path was tested with lvl10 Warlock in full BoA gear, please check my thread for more news and the auto installer link :)
  4. A Final note, I realize this was never said before, but please upload all profiles in a Zip file, doesnt matter if you prefer winzip, winrar, or whatever, but please make sure its in a zip format. This is to allow our auto installer to function. Instructions for implementing this into your profiles can be found here.
  5. I think he means add a way to automatically submit logs to the website through the bot itself.&nbsp; Which is kinda an ok idea, however I vote against it for the following reasons. 1. The bot will always log, even with no errors, we would end up with 'reports', or 'submitted' logs that contain no errors, and other useless data to us. 2. Even if the bot did log an error, It would have no description of what happened, or what caused the error aside from the log itself. 3. It would not include what the user was doing prior to or what caused the bot to error. Yep, Im still saying we should continue like this, its very simple to submit a log to the bug tracker, and adding context is quite easy as well. If this is not what you were suggesting, then please correct me, but otherwise I dont believe this is a valued idea at the time. It could however, be an ok idea, if uploading the log automatically, redirected you to the 'submit a bug' page, and then the forms were changed to require information before submitting, so we dont get tons of logs with no explanations. You need to remember a key factor..... A person is smart... But people are usually stupid and will panic for no apparent reason. If a new user were to see multiple bug reports posted without knowing that they were blank, or did not contain errors, it could give them the opinion our bot has many bugs, which would be false. The bad just out weigh the good imo.
  6. Shadow

    Windows are cut off

    is this full screen... or... are there any addons, how was the screenshot taken, alt prt scrn or through wow ui, to be honest im not understanding what your calling a bug or problem from looking at that screenshot, other than the wow window itself which does not relate to wrobot.
  7. yea thats what i assumed, is it possible to code or script the products to not use the keyboard or no?
  8. Shadow

    Fishing Suggestions

    pm me or email me for testing with the chair, its the result of a very long grind, and a quest reward, the spear can be purchased when revered with the anglers from nat pagle.
  9. [GRINDER][10-16] Northern Barrons - Vender/Repair - Horde Vender and Repair are done by the same npc, that is Horde affiliated inside of Cross Roads. The grinding path is a loop just to the south of the XR gate, it runs to the East, up to the gnolls or whatever those things are. Grinds all mobs in the plains area, including some in the sky, so let me know if you hang anywhere because of flying mobs, my test subject was a warlock, so has access to ranged spells. I personally level all of my characters by hand to at least 10, because I feel that in most cases the opening quests are just easier and it allows you to get your starting gear in line. I botted up to level 17, however the treck from 16-17 almost all trash mobs were green, So I think a new profiles from 16 on would be more efficient, however if you run this over night, unattended, (which I am not recommending just for the sake of common sense) you will level to 17 at least, possibly 18 or higher. Test character was a lvl 10 Blood Elf Warlock, dressed in all BoA gear, including weapon and ring. Obviously overpowered for grinding, so this may or may not be slightly more painful or take longer for a character that does not have leveling gear. Download - Auto installer - <10-16 Northern Barrons Grinder> " target="_blank" title="10-16 Northern Barrons Grinder">10-16 Northern Barrons Grinder Comment if you have improvements or need help.
  10. Due to an overwhelming amount of requests, we now have a separate forum for requesting and releasing WRobot Profiles. This forum is for profiles only, all feature requests belong in the bug tracker under suggestions. A few guidelines, first and for most, this forum is both for requests, and releases, so if you have a request, we ask that you start off with the topic title of REQUEST, in caps and [], after that add the product you are asking for a file for, followed by the levels it runs in [], then the area, whether it has repair/vender or not, and what faction. Example: [REQUEST][GRINDER][10-16] Northern Barrons -Vender/Repair - Horde Once your request has been processed and uploaded, a mod will change your topic title to remove the [REQUEST] tag. Should you be requesting a reputation grind, your title would look as such. [REQUEST][GRINDER]Ravenholdt Reputation - Both Simply add the Faction title and word reputation, most reps can be ground by both horde and alliance, with some exceptions. Obviously if a Vender/Repair npc is to be included then the profile will be faction specific. Inside the actual thread please be as descriptive as possible. Add a ScreenShot to the starting location or circle the grinding location on the map, list the villages that are near by, etc if you can. And please please please, list whether you have tested these profiles or not, and whether you converted them from another bot. While it is not specifically against any rules to post converted profiles (after all we do have a product to do just that) We ask that you cite the original author, original bot, and link to the original thread as well, so other users can see where the profile came from. I will say this once, and once only. ANY MEMBER CAUGHT CONVERTING A PROFILE AND RELEASING IT AS THEIR OWN WILL RECEIVE WARNING POINTS, WHICH COULD RESULT IN BEING BANNED. Again, that doesnt mean you cant release them, just make sure to post according to our guidelines, and follow the rules. When linking to the actual download, we again ask that you submit the file to the downloads section, then link to it from your post. PLEASE do not use dropbox or file sharing websites, links go down, bandwidth runs out, lots of problems associated to these. IF... you KNOW you are going to be doing multiple changes in a short period of time, you may use dropbox and dropbox only for hosting temp versions. Im not going to run around counting days, but when you feel your profile is 'final' or ready to be released, please upload it to the website. If I notice anything on outside hosting, for a prolonged amount of time, myself or another mod will upload it to the website, we can change the permissions to give the original author credit. NO ONE else is permitted to do this, and we ask that you report any broken files to mods as well. If a profile does not work as described, or something is not working for you specifically, do not report the file, or submit it to a mod... Post in the author's thread, describe your problem, and submit a screenshot if at all possible. I do not sanction, but i recommend the service tinypic.com for hosting images. It is the original authors responsibility to fix any problems with the profile, if the author comes across a bug, or something that goes wrong consistantly, then the author, and only the author can petition a mod for help. This forum is for users to submit releases :) I will also say that CreativeXtent plays Alliance and I, Twizt3dkitty, play Horde. So aside the community, if you need specific help you can ask either one of us.
  11. on a further note, all warden offsets are listed publicly, thus most reputable bots offer 'warden protection' by this I mean the bot will scan the wow.exe process and search for these particular offsets to see when they are accessed. The bot will then shut down once an offset is changed. **While I say most bots, my opinion only reflects that of WRobot, and CRobot has similiar protection.
  12. What isnt added there? Most of this news makes the front page as well.
  13. This file has been reported as broken, the link is working just fine, but the file format is .cs and the profile is written in dev code, not xml. File is subject to further review.
  14. In the future please post logs to the forums, or under the bug tracker for all to review. Sent from my PG06100 using Tapatalk 2
  15. I do bot on both accounts Sent from my PG06100 using Tapatalk 2
  16. Its deffinenlty a choice to be made, my secount account is strictly for farmers, when i leveled to max on my main account i transfered most alts to that other account. Just wish i knew when purchasing battlechest for starter account, if you paid the 60bucks it upgraded you straight to mop... Saved like 20bucks. I got decent deals on ebay for licenses, emailed a seller and bought cata for 15bucks, told him email me the key, throw the disks away. Sent from my PG06100 using Tapatalk 2
  17. Questing bot somewhat exists in the custom profiler, please remember this bot is extremely new and still in a beta release, bugs are found all the time, and new features are still being introduced. Custom profiles are to be written in c# for right now and require developer knowledge. The product was intorduced for other devs to mess around with as a request. This will be further expanded in the future. I also find no problems grinding mobs to level. Usually get about 5levels out of a profile Sent from my PG06100 using Tapatalk 2
  18. You can already code when to use spells under conditions from within the fight class. But this is an interesting idea. Sent from my PG06100 using Tapatalk 2
  19. Yes, target buff, set the variable to false. As in spell will be cast if not found on target. Sent from my PG06100 using Tapatalk 2
  20. Please also add information such as what product you were using, and which profile if necessary. We also need your log to see what went wrong. Sent from my PG06100 using Tapatalk 2
  21. As posted by droidz, any user can change their display name in the profile, but a mod or administrator must change your login name. Sent from my PG06100 using Tapatalk 2
  22. Yes meaning you can combine the battlegrounder with gatherer, so you can herb while waiting for the random to pop, all with our product! :) Sent from my PG06100 using Tapatalk 2
  23. Please redirect all remain requests to the new forum located here. http://wrobot.eu/forum/28-profiles-and-requests/ And don't forget to read the rules, located here.
  24. Version v1.1


    Another basic grinding path, Starts in Nozzlepot's Outpost and then loops down and around the Sludge Fen, and back to the outpost. Still running this now, so Im going to say its untested. Repair and Vender in Nozzlepot's Outpost. Also this may work good past 20, But I havnt run it that long yet. Forum Thread:
  25. The 7day trial offer has expired. This was a special introductory offer listed on a seperate forum. The 30minute key is a permenant trial. I can assure you that if/when you purchase a full license to the product it does not restart every 30 minutes. :)
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