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Everything posted by Shadow

  1. that would be great. Yea.... deffinently quite annoying having to keep switching keys, im not sure how many users have multiple subscriptions if any besides me at all, but multiboxing is kinda a pain...
  2. And so is the Moderating Staff <3
  3. In this thread I basically go over the most recent release notes but in greater detail after thoroughly testing all of the new features. This is more of a news column that details the changelog in a format a user can actually read and enjoy, but as always... The most up to date build log can always be viewed at http://download.wrobot.eu/wrobot/bin/updateinfo.php WRobot 1.0.0.BETA7 New products in this version There are no new products in Beta 7. New Features in this version The Battlegrounder now has the possibility to use profiles and a profile creator was added to the product setting page. The profiles are setup to run waypoints in a loop, the same way that the grinder bot does. This is a new system to battlegrounder so we would appreciate your feedback on it over in the support forums. If there is no profile found when starting the bot or you dont want to create a profile, Battlegrounder will run in the old manor, a profile is not needed to run. BugFixes The databases that contain spells and digsites have had their file formats converted from bin to xml. This will make updating them easier and provide a better compatibility across other bots. Which means we will be able to import these from other bots as well. Sharing is Caring. I have sent my latest digsites file to droidz, so that will probably be uploaded to the bot repository shortly. Party Bot will now dismount if the group leader is not mounted. In my testing I was trying to powerlevel a character from 1 with a 90 just killing things aimlessly with my 90 dragging my (now lvl3) toon along. The xp from this was terrible, but I think it will be better from dungeons. Ill report back again when i grind my lvl3 to lvl10 Hotfixes Added 01/22/2013: We have now added the ability to avoid elite mobs in profiles, rather to not engage in combat with them. We don't want your character being murdered while grinding by a mob that is not meant to be killed repeatedly at its level. This is of course an option so if you are 90 farming reputation, you can still include the elites. The Combo Point condition was added to the Fight Class creator as it is required for Rogues and Feral Druids, sorry about that guys :( Pet Battle bot will now correctly manage the npc to revive your pets. and as always, translated by your twizt3dkitty <3
  4. Will rebase for Beta 1 hopefully will be done for tomorrow. *edit* This is going to take a bit more time than I thought as some things are working differently in beta7
  5. One suggestion I do have, Im not sure how this would be implemented but, If one were multibotboxing, where as using 2 wow processes and 2 WRobot sessions logging into the second session is somewhat inconvenient as you need to copy and paste a second license key into the bot and keep alternating if you are running two bots at once. My idea would be to somehow switch back to the email/password login, and then limit how many times each username/email can authenticate with the server based on how many license keys you own.
  6. I have many filled in, Ill post it as an attachment when I have them all.
  7. created a second account today to run farming on. Tried out Party bot. I did not multibotbox however. I played my main on wow1 and ran Partybot on my alt on wow2. It does work, but It would probably work better when im more than lvl3. And I think questing manually to 10 would be easier, also converted a 1-10 grinding profile from mmolazy, that worked fine, but i need a fight class lol, keep dieing using default. So working on that, but I like the party bot so far.
  8. that would be an aura, not a buff, a buff is a static spell. but if creative has a warrior he would probably be your best bet for answering this further.
  9. its build in setupfactory, then has custom pages coded in, most of the code is java.
  10. you can run the game in dx11 just fine actually, and depending on your os the Admin rights may not be needed but I am in agree with the addon idea, something is causing the injection error in your log.
  11. Welcome to MMORobots, and Thankyou for your interest in WRobot Beta testing is not currently open to the public, you may contact Droidz regarding buying a subscription. We are still discussing Trials to WRobot.
  12. Hello and welcome to MMORobot, thank you for your interest in WRobot, as of right now, all subscriptions require manual approval by Droidz, your best bet for now is the daily subscription, but droidz would need to authorize the key daily. We are working on the coupon system to support this. I will fwd your request and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
  13. for the fight class, it sounds like your confusing buff with aura, but i could be wrong, I unfortunately dont have a warrior to test with, what are the names of the abilities and which should be done when which is active?
  14. In this thread I basically go over the most recent release notes but in greater detail after thoroughly testing all of the new features. This is more of a news column that details the changelog in a format a user can actually read and enjoy, but as always... The most up to date build log can always be viewed at http://download.wrobot.eu/wrobot/bin/updateinfo.php WRobot 1.0.0.BETA6 New in this version A new product has made its way into the WRobot suite, Party Bot This product is designed for multiboxbotting, but can have other uses. When active Partybot will follow the player's group leader and attack a hostile target if a member of the group is attacked. You can also configure this to be a healer. Another great use is when your afk in LFR through youself on follow and load this up, then sit back and watch, or go do what ya gotta do. This may have some dire consequences, or get you kicked from group however so use it with caution. Product settings are very simple for now and pretty self explanatory. Just a follow distance in yards, and a healer true or false value. Again remember to have your fight class set in general settings. NOTE: this product is designed for multiboxing and multibotting, you will need two wow processes running simultaneously as well as two WRobot sessions/subscriptions to take full utilization of this product. (Example: Use the Grinder product on your group leader running on wow account 1, and for all other group members the product "Party"). BugFixes -Tried to fix the DirectX 9 bug when dx9 runtimes are not installed on the host computer. and as always, translated by your twizt3dkitty <3 Added 01/09/2013: -Made some changes to the way the digsite editor worked in archaeology, and simplified its use. (I have a great tutorial on how to use this, check it out)
  15. If you are still working on getting the Archaeologist running, please see my first tutorial on basic setup. After botting for sometime you will most likely come across what seems like your bot just sitting around doing nothing, and start / stop doesnt fix it, you may also see your bot tring to survey an exhausted digsite. These 'bugs' are all caused by the current database which is still being updated. In time this should all be fixed, but until now you may need to add archy waypoints manually, heres how. First thing we want to do is click on the debug option in the main bot window so we can see exactly whats going on. In this next screenshot you can see the bot is running, but my character is just sorta hanging out not going anywhere. Thats because while the bot knows to Go to Digsite Terrace of Gurthan Digsite, it doesnt know exactly where that is. So here's how we fix that. First off stop the bot, next bring up your map in game and look for exactly where that digsite is. While you cant tell from the ss, my mouse curser ingame was hovering over the circled area, and you can see from the text apove the map this is where the bot is trying to go. So next we manually drop our character there, This spot inparticular sucks since its on the boarder of alot of zones, but its in dread wastes, next ss shows just to clarify. try to pick an area where theres not alot of mobs, or clear some of them out of your way. Once your character is in the digsite, go back to the bot window and click on product settings. In here scroll all the way to the bottom and you should find your digsite, you will notice its positions are all 0s. Your next step is to click on the field for Terrace of Gurth.. or whatever site your working with to highlight it, and click "Selected Digsite is at my current location" This will populate the fields that were once 0s as you can see, next scroll far right, to make sure your zone is 'active', Click on save, then x out of this box manually. Start your bot back up and you should be back to digging. When you freeze up again basically start this process over and find the next digsite. You can probably tell from looking at your database int he editor which sites are not found as they are all 0s, if you like you can 'find them' all at once using the steps above.
  16. I am making an advanced Howto for adding digsites in another thread, but feel free to post any questions or problems you may encounter here. :)
  17. Ok here we go, [Archaeologist] for beginners with Screenshots!! Archaeology is a pretty neat profession and you can make some quick gold vendoring your trash and sometimes youll get a nice gem thats worth something :) Anyhow, First step is obviously to login to wow x86 on the toon you wish to bot with. 2nd, Launch WRobot and select the Archaeologist product Next you want to configure how the bot reacts to the environment while running this product, so click General Settings 3rd you need to select your fight class, note I am using default as I have another program that handles my spell casting, but you must select a fight class if you are in a 85-90 Area as the mobs will kill you if you dont attack them. Please see the Fight Class section of the forums for more information. Also notice how no other options are checked off, were not leveling so nothing is needed here. You dont want to use a spirit healer either because if you do die, you want to run back to your body as that is where your digsite is most likely located anyway. 4 Mount Options, you need to make sure to do this part right otherwise the bot will hang. Select a ground mount, and a flying mount, making sure to pick two separate mounts (ie do not use a flying mount for your ground mount as well, because if you jump and start flying this could disrupt the path of the bot, it will fly where it needs to. Also make sure to keep extras checked off here. 5. Food and Drink isnt needed, but you can set defaults if you like, but it again isnt necessary, so next select your Looting and Farming Options While this is again optional, why would you not want to loot what you kill and might as well pick up some chests and gathering. Note if you are not a skinner or herber, the bot just wont do these, having them checked is fine. 6. Relogger you can setup if you wish, that will attempt to relaunch wow should you dc. Vendor and Mail we are not going to use, so skip on down to stop game / security You probably want to shut down your bot when your bags are full because you wont be able to loot anything further. The other option here of interest is pause bot if nearby player. This does just what it says, while I personally dont usually worry about it, some folks may wish to check this off, but please note if someone desides to follow you around, or just park in front of you, the bot will just sit there doing nothing until when and if the other party leaves. 7. Click on Save and Close to lock your settings in, Then click on Start :) 8. Profit :D
  18. and yea the move is fine, we want all users to have access to my installer not just beta testers, as I hope to eventually have it uploaded as your official installer when it is finished.
  19. i understand what you are saying, but test what I am saying. the autoattach shortcut is being created outside of the wrobot folder as well.
  20. I found a bug relating to the quicklaunch shortcut created when logging into the bot. the target with the argument of AutoAttachAndLog=true is setting the target path as the current path of where wrobot.exe is located, which was fine if you were doubleclicking on wrobot.exe from its directory. But if your launching it from a shortcut, the quicklaunch shortcut is created with the target of the shortcut to wrobot.exe, example: quicklaunch is targating because C:\Users\Kitty\Desktop\ is where the shortcut is located, when it should target the target of the shortcut. In my case but this of course changes depending on where your install path is set from within my installer. I can fix this myself by adding the argument to the shortcut created from within my installer, im just not sure what will happen if you try to run it before you put the key in.
  21. see I dont have that key, i dont have blizzard entertainment in my software, its in wow6432node so im not sure where I should be looking, the uninstall support would be great, even if all it did was delete everything in the included in the current directory, i can take it from there.
  22. could anyone tell me if im checking the correct key for the install path of world of warcraft, specifically if you are on a 32bit system. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Blizzard Entertainment\World of Warcraft in there is a string "InstallPath" with a value (in my case) of C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\ so theoritically If I can make a variable of InstallPath and get its value from that registry key, I can then work with it as a directory and move on with creating the shortcuts.
  23. there is another switch I can add to my installer that will add wrobot as a tile to windows8, I think thats part of the 'new' 'start screen' and i use those terms loosely as im not sure what they are, and kinda hate the windows 8 look with a passion. Honestly If I had a touchscreen laptop, or moniter, maybe...... but i dont, and I ended up installing classic shell (which is free and i recommend anyone check out if they have time anyway, I use it with windows 7 still) and just didnt like the whole new start screen feel or 'apps' at all, I used it through one leaked alpha, and then the dev preview and customer preview on my laptop, and dual booted my desktop. Just wasnt happy with it. Back to my installer, I will work on that screen as I need to see how I need to make it work, then submit another build specifically for windows8.
  24. agreed, fish value is going down so much though.
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