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Posts posted by phoenix222

  1. 15 hours ago, Matenia said:

    You'd have to contribute to the community (and not just when Droidz calls you out on not doing anything) in a meaningful way. You know, instead of telling others to make changes to their party products, pull out your favorite C# IDE and develop your own that has all the features you want, then release it here for free.

    if i had the time and knowledge i would for sure do that, and i would for sure make it free and open source, but surely wouldnt release it here lol.

  2. 8 minutes ago, Matenia said:

    Session limit was always part of the license, it was just never enforced. That being said, you can just buy 2 licenses if you *need* to run 11 bots, or you can stop screaming because you're not being given free shit.

    thank you for that information. just a personal question im curious to know: how much did you need to pay to become elite user?

    nochmal in deutsch: wie groß war der teil deiner seele, die du an den teufel verkaufen musstest, um elite user zu werden?

  3. 18 hours ago, Mike-Mail said:

    Words from a wise man : fuck off, stop begging for free shit like a whore on holloween 

    thank you for your wise words dude! please keep in mind that i might be the last remaining wise man on earth you ever met in your short and greedy life. i hope you will somewhen get to a point in life where u realize that praising satan all time was a bad idea. bless you!

    if u could do me one last favor, please watch my movie!


    it was quite fun to run 11 partybot clients and do some openpvp and battlegrounds/arena on the old wod ptr, while u were praising satan i was a little creative and created this movie. the many partybot target selection bugs were quite annoying but still fun watching the 11 bots targeting a low hp NPC while leaving the lvl85 pvp enemies alone.

    i was originally planning to create another movie this time on pvp oriented cata private server, but i think that wont happen in time anymore (especially because i can only run 10 sessions now instead of 11 before). its quite fun to know that my license is only running out after 2 years instead of original set 10 years because of another new introduced bug that droidz is unable to fix.

    i always thought that wrobot is the more holy wow bot project compared to dead honorbuddy (who removed all customers lifetime subscription to save their starving ass, thank god they got their deserved punishment and got sued to hell and died anyways).

    but since droidz has done a similar decision and now only sells monthly/yearly subscriptions instead of 10years/lifetime subscriptions i also lost my faith in him.


  4. 10 hours ago, Droidz said:

    Hello, you have already requested it in private, I replied why post it in public?

    I gave you a free subscription to play on PTR servers at the bot "Party" (WRobot does not support PTR servers for a long time), for you free subscription you have never helped a member of the community, or even shared a file for more than 2 years https://wrobot.eu/profile/30087-phoenix222/content/. You've got free access for more than 2 years, you are already lucky. 

    free subscription.jpg

    you still didnt respond me, i already told u that i tried to help improving the buggy partybot with lots of nice suggestions but you never responded me nor implemented any of them into the partybot. in combination with the partybot i created perfect fightclasses for wod 6.2.4 pvp encounters u can find them here:

    i stopped playing wow as legion prepatch released, but i wanna continue now on 4.3.4 cata private servers and modify my fightclasses to perfectly work with the partybot in pvp encounters aswell.


    i would be really glad if i could finally get a statement after over 2 years about the buggy partybot from you now:


  5. Quote

    1: You can use this plugin to stop fight: http://wrobot.eu/files/file/650-party-chat-command/ (Add command with this c# code: 

    wManager.Wow.Helpers.Fight.StopFight(); wManager.Wow.Helpers.MovementManager.StopMove();

    according to the wrobot log the commands get executed, but the bot still keeps chasing and attacking with combat routine, it doesnt make it stop fighting or moving on execution as it should.

    the same thing is when pressing the "stop move" and "stop fight" buttons under the tools tab at the bot window, doesnt work too.


    is there really now way to disable the chase behavior and replace it with just keep following groupleader? and stop attacking as soon as a target gets out of range? and automatically attack attackable (player) targets who get in range? is there any programming way to change this combat behavior?



    4: You can disable option to help party member in advanced general settings and, in plugin chat command... and use this c# code to attack current group leader target: 

    if (wManager.Wow.Helpers.Party.IsInGroup()) { wManager.Wow.Helpers.Fight.StartFight(new wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.WoWPlayer(wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.GetObjectByGuid(wManage


    also here, when running this code and the bot is already attacking someone it doesnt swap to the partyleaders target. when the bot is out of combat and not attacking anyone yet, the code works fine and the bot starts attacking the partyleaders target.


    and i got some other questions: 1. how to prevent the bot from attacking enemy player's pets?

    2. is it possible to implement a wait time between character death and spirit release? because if the bot dies up in the air while sitting on a fly mount, it releases the spirit so fast that the corpse stays in the air and can not be reached anymore for resurrect.


  6. hello, i wanna use the party bot in openpvp and already created some fightclasses myself for this purpose, which also work so far quite good, but im currently dealing with the following problems i dont know how to solve:

    1. in DPS (range spec) mode, the bot keeps chasing enemy targets when they are out of range, i want it even in combat to keep following the player/partyleader defined at "follow by player name" and not chase players.

    2. in Healer mode, the bot stops following the player/partyleader defined at "follow by player name" as soon as it gets into combat. i want it to keep following him even in combat.

    3. in openpvp combat, the dps bot sometimes keeps targeting and trying to attack neutral players (which is impossible) who have set their pvp status to inactive. it mostly happens when the neutral player is currently fighting against someone/something (for example dueling another neutral player).

    4. the bot keeps targeting and attacking players randomly (who are attacking the bot). i want the bot to swap to the partyleader/player defined at "follow by player name" his target, when he is attacking it.

    5. at the healer fightclass, resurrection just wont work. i have added the resurrection spell, changed spell settings: "combat only" "false"; "for friends (party)" "true" and added spell conditions: "target health percent" "equal 0"; "target distance" "smallerorequal 40"; "me in combat" "false"
    but when a group member died and the healer bot is out of combat, it still wont start resurrecting.

    has anybody got an idea how to solve them?


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