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Everything posted by Ohren

  1. After further inspection, looks like I am going to have to rebuild almost all my fight classes. WoD changed a lot.
  2. Current issues I have found and will be fixing ASAP... Frost DK chain casting Horn of Winter Arcane mage fight class will not attack. Fire Mage ice barrier timer Frost mage spamming nether tempest
  3. I'll be fixing this and uploading a new version ASAP. Thanks 8ball for finding the fix.
  4. I got a small bonus at work, so I will be buying WoD and 2 months of Wow. So, if you would like to help me out, just post all the bugs you've ran into with my fight class package in my absence.
  5. Alright. It was seeming pretty odd, since it never did it with my old set up.
  6. So I'm Archaeology botting to get some achievements, and I've noticed the bot is choosing the dig site that is absolutely the farthest away. Just wondering if there was an issue with my settings or if it's WRobot choosing them like that.
  7. Version 1


    This is a RoF farmer made for someone.
  8. Mind if I use your prot warrior as a benchmark for my prot warrior I am working on tonight (assuming I get time to fly to Halfhill to pick up a shield)?
  9. Here is a work-around for using spells that are off of the global cool down timer (my example is using Heroic Strike from a Warrior). First, add a spell, I tend to name it Faux (Whatever the spell name is) so in this instance, it will be Faux Heroic Strike. It is ideal to place this up high on priority. Next, add in your conditions. For Heroic Strike, I use Rage > 110. Now add in an LUA script with the following information... LUA Script: CastSpellByName("Heroic Strike");retV=1; Return value research: 0 Return value var: retV ... This will trigger your spell to cast. The reason I set retV's value to 1, then check to see if it equals 0 is just to make sure WRobot doesn't try firing a fake spell named Faux Heroic Strike. And boom, now your spell is completely off the GCD. Make sure the spell is off GCD before using this method, or else it will slow down your fight class and ruin your recount heroism.
  10. One quick question, when returning a Boolean, would it be TigereyeBuffCheck() = false or does it return bool values as a 0/1 format? I guess I just need an example of how to make it work with Me.HaveBuff. Since I need it to check for spell ID of 116740.
  11. Hey Droidz, thank you very much for this, definitely adding this into my collection of LUA/C# snippets.
  12. Yeah, that didn't work at all. :P
  13. Can you use spell ID's instead of spell names? I guess I've never tried that. And yes, they each have a different spell ID.
  14. So I have an issue, which I might resolve before anyone else comes up with an answer... but here goes.. Working on my Windwalker profile, and I am adding in Tigereye Brew into the rotation. Problem is, the buff that keeps track of stacks of it is called Tigereye Brew, and the buff itself that gives the damage increase is also Tigereye Brew. I need LUA to find a way to differentiate these.
  15. In prot, isn't shield usually used on cooldown?
  16. Hmm, what profile and fight classes are you running?
  17. I'm going to be updating my arms warrior class tonight, so whenever a pack update comes in for my fight classes, try that out and give me your input on what needs to be changed to make it better.
  18. How much RAM is it using? It's always ran very low for me.
  19. Video 1 is Lower Blackrock Spire. Video 2 is Swamp of Sorrows.
  20. I use that and the auto fire keys on my logitech g19 (Razer Naga would work too), currently I haven't gotten lucky, but I only sit there a couple hours a week. Not too dedicated.
  21. Just open it in the fight class editor and move judgement up in the spell priority list.
  22. Here is a solution to your issue. First Lacerate spell makes sure to get 3 stacks, second one makes it so Lacerate casts if there is 6 seconds or less left on the debuff. LacerateTest.xml
  23. Here is my snippet for checking time left on buffs (on yourself). _, _, _, _, _, duration, expirationTime, _, _, _, _ = UnitBuff("player","Inquisition"); t = GetTime(); timeRemaining = expirationTime - t; if (timeRemaining <= 6) then retV = "1"; else retV = "0"; end This will cast Inquisition when there is 6 seconds left on the buffs life. Great for spells that you want up 100% of the time. To get this to work, you might have to remove the line breaks, so it would actually look like.. _, _, _, _, _, duration, expirationTime, _, _, _, _ = UnitBuff("player","Inquisition");t = GetTime();timeRemaining = expirationTime - t;if (timeRemaining <= 6) hen retV = "1";else retV = "0";end
  24. It's updated, the Ret profile has two versions of Inquisition on it. The first one makes sure that it casts before timer runs out on the initial cast.
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