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Posts posted by Ohren

  1. Here is a work-around for using spells that are off of the global cool down timer (my example is using Heroic Strike from a Warrior).


    First, add a spell, I tend to name it Faux (Whatever the spell name is) so in this instance, it will be Faux Heroic Strike. It is ideal to place this up high on priority.


    Next, add in your conditions. For Heroic Strike, I use Rage > 110.


    Now add in an LUA script with the following information...


    LUA Script: CastSpellByName("Heroic Strike");retV=1;

    Return value research: 0

    Return value var: retV


    ... This will trigger your spell to cast. The reason I set retV's value to 1, then check to see if it equals 0 is just to make sure WRobot doesn't try firing a fake spell named Faux Heroic Strike.


    And boom, now your spell is completely off the GCD. Make sure the spell is off GCD before using this method, or else it will slow down your fight class and ruin your recount heroism.

  2. One quick question, when returning a Boolean, would it be TigereyeBuffCheck() = false or does it return bool values as a 0/1 format?


    I guess I just need an example of how to make it work with Me.HaveBuff. Since I need it to check for spell ID of 116740.

  3. So I have an issue, which I might resolve before anyone else comes up with an answer... but here goes..


    Working on my Windwalker profile, and I am adding in Tigereye Brew into the rotation. Problem is, the buff that keeps track of stacks of it is called Tigereye Brew, and the buff itself that gives the damage increase is also Tigereye Brew. I need LUA to find a way to differentiate these.

  4. Here is my snippet for checking time left on buffs (on yourself).

    _, _, _, _, _, duration, expirationTime, _, _, _, _ = UnitBuff("player","Inquisition");
    t = GetTime();
    timeRemaining = expirationTime - t;
    if (timeRemaining <= 6) then retV = "1";
    else retV = "0";

    This will cast Inquisition when there is 6 seconds left on the buffs life. Great for spells that you want up 100% of the time. To get this to work, you might have to remove the line breaks, so it would actually look like..

    _, _, _, _, _, duration, expirationTime, _, _, _, _ = UnitBuff("player","Inquisition");t = GetTime();timeRemaining = expirationTime - t;if (timeRemaining <= 6) hen retV = "1";else retV = "0";end
  5. I added this (Inquisition) to my to-do list on my own retadin profile forever ago, I'm working on ret tonight after class, so if you have my fight class package, just copy and paste from the update that is coming in about 7 hours.


    As for Templar's Verdict, I'll aim to get it done at some point today or tomorrow.

  6. I believe my warrior fight class in my package still has a work around for heroic strike in it.

    I add a spell called CastSpellByName("Faux Heroic Strike"), add in conditions like if Rage > 100 blah blah, then I add in CastSpellByName("Heroic Strike"), finally I add in a condition that is impossible to meet, something like if health > 2000. Make sure you select the appropriate options to run it as LUA and not check if you know the spell and boom, it fires off during a check for conditions instead of firing off as a spell.

  7. The only class I have issues getting agro on is my paladin, which is why I main DPS with him. It would be easier to just adjust your rotation/gear a bit to maximize agro than it would be to make a script to tab through targets to figure out which one lost agro. I'll start exploring some solutions to this, see if I can get a solid solution other than reforge crit and change your opening rotation. :P

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