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Posts posted by Ohren

  1. Any way to to get WRotation to shift targets or even stop attacking a target? Embarrassing when it keeps Shadow Stepping behind the vendor and not great for escaping in a BG.  ALT-X doesn't seem to do anything for me.  Something else I should be doing?

    That can be fixed in your fight class. Add the option to only use if the target is attacking you. Or set a manual range to use it if Target Distance > 20 yards.

  2. If anyone can fix the issue in my enhancement fight class, I will be so happy. It's confused me for too long. Sometimes Lightning Bolt won't be cast even though the Maelstrom Weapon stack is at 5. I am leveling my enhancement now, and even using Healing Surge with the condition Buff Stack Maelstrom Weapon == 5, it doesn't work.

  3. Alright, I made a quick pool fishing circle near Skettis (Outlands -> Terokkar Forest).



    It isn't actually catching anything, just casting and sitting there, casting again, then sitting around again.


    I've completely re-installed WRobot, reset my keybinds, made sure WoW was running 32 bit. Nothing helped. Any odd settings that could trigger this? I'm out of ideas.



    (The log looks completely normal, moves to the spot, then keeps casting fishing, nothing out of place)

  4. I've avoided Prot Warrior for so long, but I knew one day this would come up. I used to main a prot warrior, and loved it... then 5.0 came along and was blown away at how straight forward and simple it became... :( I'll get to it in the next few days.

  5. i guess i kind of gave up now, it prowls sometimes, but most times before going in combat the druid goes up close to its target before turning into cat form, leaving no space to prowl. Maybe hopefully in future updates there can be different options for "action before entering combat" or "distance before action" rather, i think "target distance" just isn't enough for a more particular condition.

    Action before entering combat can be achieves by turning combat, check if know spell, and target in sight to false, and manually setting two target distance condition (bigger than 15 and smaller than 40 works good).

    Distance before action is achieved with target distance, there really isn't much more that can be achieved from them when used efficiently.

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