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About insidiouz

  • Birthday 09/17/1972

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  • MSN

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  • Location
    Gympie Australia

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Where do i place this? and what do i do to get it running
  2. It will be released when all factions are profiled alliance is complete all factions 1-70 I'm doing horde now.
  3. 1-60 NE quest path completed testing now then posting Spacegoats next who will share much of the NE profile that 1 will be faster most alliance will share the same 20+ paths the hard stuff done just 1-20 each human faction then they share paths horde will be the same after the 1st profile the rest will be fast. Id like to see our community grow and for that we need some profile diversity. I realised the time involved before I posted and that my word would be expected to be held.I look forward to adding to our database many things that it lacks.
  4. Working for me finished 1-30 elf areas tested and working (all quests) tested all for pickup pulse and hand in's but I wont be posting the profile till its complete 1-60 quest path 1 or 2 more weeks and ill post the profile and start all other factions 1 by 1 till TBC is complete then ill start the TBC 60-70 profiles horde and alliance ill include class training and vendors and mailboxes . Then ill move to WoTLK then ill move to retail completing 1-100 quest paths for all factions. All my profiles will be posted free of charge in support of wrobot be patient ill have some cool profiles for all patches this awesome bot supports. As an in home carer I have a lot of time and no want of payment id just like to fill a few gaps in profile diversity.
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