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Posts posted by dida1990

  1. I can't help you with that, but can give you another solution :)

    On the bottom of the InteractWithNpc there is a field called "Macro when interact. Full lua code".

    Just insert 


    and you are done.

    And it is a lot faster during the start of your profile :)

  2. 3 hours ago, Droidz said:

    For the moment I have not found two WRobot features, "Aura.Owner" (I ignore if in BC npc can get several time the same buff casted by several player) and "WoWUnit.CastingCanInterrupt".

    Is "WoWUnit.CastingCanInterrupt" not the same as "WOWUnit.IsCast" together with kick spell and "wManager.Wow.Helpers.SpellManager.SpellUsableLUA" ?

  3. If you want to know, when herbs are respawning:

    It is totally random, where and when herbs are spawning. For example in Stranglethorn Vale you have around 200 herb-spots but there are only 100 currently active. If you gather one herb, it will randownly spawn on one of the other 100 open spots. So you have to generate a bigger loop; not just where herbs at the moment, but everywhere they CAN spawn.


    Is that the answer to your question?

  4. 43 minutes ago, eXaXXion said:

    Wrath of the Lich King is in play free server.
    "Wintergrasp, our server regeneration time of the herb is one minute.
    Create a profile for a three-point loop.
    1 loop should work.
    2 loop should not work.
    3 loop should work.
    4 loop should not work.

    I would like to know the minimum time to reaffirm the Herbalist at one point.
    Or want to know whether I have personally modified.

    I don't know if my english is so bad, but I don't understand you. 

    Can you explain in a different way, what do you want. 

    I really want to help you :)

  5. If should't use a Questing profile to grind, you should.

    If you use it you should select "gatherer" as quest type. Then select your hotspots. And put this quest on "Repeatable".

    If you are not into the "EasyQuestingCreator" I can give you a Teamviewer-Lesson tomorrow :)

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