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Files posted by waldodamon

  1. Waldo Blood DK

    For use with almost any talents, but I am running with Heartbreaker, Rapid Decomposition, Ossuary, Mark of Blood, Tightening Grasp, Foul Bulwark and Blood Mirror.  Only thing I forgot to do is add in Mark of Blood as an ability, haven't even needed to...  I liked Dr. Wolf's fight class, but I wanted something that utilized more runes when they were fully charged, so my DK wasn't sitting with full runes and very little Runic Power.  I made more use of not only Marrowrend to keep Bone Shield nice and high, but also Heart Strike to really build up the Runic Power.  I also tailored Death and Decay a little more so that you're 99% of the time standing in it, therefore building more Runic Power.  This keeps a constant 6+ stacks of Bone Shield and as soon as Death Strike is available, bam, you've got Blood Shield and a heal too.  Hopefully you like this.  I will add Mark of Blood tomorrow as it is late here, and re-upload as V2.  


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  2. Blood DK Waldo Edited Pasterke

    Pasterke made a great Blood DK fight class.  I wanted to start making it more efficient with Soul Reaper, when to use Death Strike and how often, Outbreak for the glyph of outbreak, etc.  Basically I just wanted to tweak this fight profile as much as I possibly could, according to Icy-Veins, Elitist Jerks, and real time in game combat to reflect a DK in a raid situation; therefore this fight class can be used universally, that is, open world farming, dungeons, etc (hopefully, that is my goal anyway) and provide maximum survivability and damage output.  I have not been able to test this on a level 100 yet, especially not in Tanaan or anywhere outside of the Frostridge area on anything higher than level 94 or so, so I am looking for some mates to help by using it in open world on their level 100 DK and making sure Soul Reaper casts, making sure Defile (as opposed to DnD) and Death Coil, etc work correctly, as my character kills things before the conditions for these abilities are met.  Any and all feedback, encouragement, criticism is welcome, anything I can do to make this more efficient, I will!  Thanks!  -Waldo


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  3. Waldo Pandaria Herbs and Ore

    My first post here, ever, I figured it should mean a little something.  This is a Horde herb and ore profile for basically all of Pandaria, it hits each section to grab a little of everything.  It is a flying profile, and it was the best I could do for now while I am just getting back into the game and leveling to 100.  :)
    Waldo Pandaria.xml


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