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Everything posted by nxpert

  1. Is spell usable Overpower True This works for me, pal.
  2. It's ground mounts. I did try to increment the latency, I tried quite a few different variables but it didn't work. What I ended up doing is just using the party chat command plugin to make them mount when the master does. My internet is somewhat terrible right now so it could still just be a latency issue, I'll find out tomorrow when my usual internet gets fixed.
  3. I have a weird issue, I'm running a group with 4 other 'party members', they're all in party mode. The problem is when I go to mount up they all get on their mount and one or 2 seconds later immediately dismount. I've messed with the latency options in the "other options" tab for about an hour now with no luck. What's weird is that the warlock in the group doesn't do this, it's only the 3 others with regular non spell mounts. Here's a log of one of them, all 3 look the same. My ingame latency is usually around 130ms. 11 Jun 2017 08H42.log.html
  4. Thanks, I'll see if I can get it working then.
  5. Just to be clear this won't work currently?
  6. I'm making a fight class for a holy pally follower. I need to be able to find what the player is casting so I can cast Blessing of Sacrifice to remove fear/polymorph. Any help would be appreciated. I tried pic related but it doesn't work. I assume it's because it isn't targeting the person trying to fear or poly me, so being able to find if someone is casting that on me is what I need.
  7. Display driver has stopped responding but has recovered, I get this occasionally when it happens but not every time.
  8. I have a weird issue. Whenever running multiple bots, and tabbing out, sometimes one or more of the WoW instances will freeze until I click on it and bring it back into focus. Not sure if anyone else has this issue or what I could do to fix it. Any help would be appreciated. I'm running Windows 10, i7 6700k, 24gb DDR4, 970GTX if that helps.
  9. Thanks guys.
  10. Thanks a lot, pal. A+ support. 8/8.
  11. It's 'updating' to the TBC version.
  12. Updated as prompted, now stuck with "Game version incorrect" and infinite update loop.
  13. Been trying to get grasp on writing Fight Classes in C#, I've been using a couple of the bases droidz provided and have been gettingalong fairly well but can't seem to figure out how to get the bot to run a macro under certain conditions. Also, does anyone know why intellisense isn't working correctly? I have to manually search through the object browser for the write syntax I need, back in the day when I used VS most things would autocomplete.
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