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Posts posted by Fyuri13

  1. I am making a Quester profile for Firelands trash farm.  It works mostly but sometime a mob throws my toon off the map and kills it.  When it revives the bot goes back to the entrance of Firelands but doesn't go inside to continue.  It just stays at the entrance.  Is there anything I can do to correct this?

  2. Did anyone ever find an answer to this.  needing the "Is complete Condition" for number of mobs killed or something like that.  I'm working on a Firelands trash gold farm Profile and I'm stuck on that.  I tried making a kill and loot step that had the last hotspot at the entrance and complete condition at continent change but the bot doesnt do the hotspots is the order they were added so it just turns around and leaves

  3. I tried to do this and it doesnt seem to work.  I have been watching the bot and setting all the Tol'Vir digsites to 4 (everything else is at 1).  When that digsite comes up again the bot still just goes to the closest site, NOT the priority.

  4. I have a pet battle profile that uses Tracker Lang to resurrect pets.  Last nigth it worked fine.  Today it'll open up the dialog, hit the option to resurrect, does not hit Accept, then opens the vendor option instead.  I have gossip option 2 set on him and I do not have sell items option turned on in general settings.  Any ideas?

    26 May 2016 07H21.log.html

  5. I tried to do it as an interact with NPC but the bot wouldnt actually interact for some reason

    I ended up leaving my profile the way it was and added the 


    to the buttons it hits and it worked perfectly


  6. 19 hours ago, BetterSister said:

    use a notepad. If you don't have any experience from xml just ask someone to do it for you

    ok for anyone else trying to add this, i figured it out.  You have to also go into the fight class settings on the general settings tab and turn on the option that says use item, if exists.  Works great

  7. I am trying to make a Quester profile to turn in Lunkers to Nt pagle in my Garrison.  I got to the point where it'll go to him, interact, then it does nothing because there are 8 different quests to choose from.  How do I get the bot to choose the quest i need to turn in?  ie: Fire Ammonite Lunker.  if I click on that manually it'll finish and complete the quest, but i'm stuck on getting the bot to choose the quest


    Nat Pagle Fire Ammonite.xml

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