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Everything posted by avesatan

  1. Hi, after 3 days when gatherer was broken, suddenly started working again, the same profiles, settings etc. If the problem occurs again I will send the logs (except that there was nothing in logs, just bot started the path and after that empty).
  2. Is it possible to downgrade the previous version? I think the problem is one of the last update.
  3. I have a problem with gatherer (mining and herbalism), the bot ignores all, just flies past them. 1 or 2 weeks ago gatherer work fine. I have disabled all addons, I do not have any plugins. Server: tauri wow, 5.4.8
  4. I found the cause, I did not add to the "auto shot" to fight class and hunter thought he have to attacking melee.
  5. Hi, I have problem with my hunter, he not stay in distance to the target during fight, just walks to the mob and start rotate around the target t instead of keeping fight distance. I have selected range in my fight class. That must be 1 stupid thing but I don't know what it is. Can anyone help? EDIT: Sorry for posting this topic here, should be in thread for private servers but I can't delete it now. Can anyone move it to a topic for Pandaria?
  6. Priv wotlk version. Wrobot not checking mana when you play a druid and change form, for example in bear, consequence is that character didn't know when regenerate mana and when not.
  7. it seems that this was a problem with the server, the server after update my character started using fly masters. But I noticed a new thing, my character has skining, I also selected the option skin mobs but many of them will be abandoned by the character which immediately moves further on in the same second or the next. Bot can recognize whether he can skin mob or not, but it looks like it interrupts the shares because he sees another mob to attack? It does not happen all the time, but let's say 9/10 mobs is abandoned without skining. Is it also may be a problem with the server or something is wrong with the bot?
  8. I came back after a few months, I updated bot, and now my character comes to fly master and can't find patch to location (of course I can manually choose the route after stopping bot and fly). Few month ago everything works fine with that with same grinding script. below logs, after that bot picks route on the ashen, they try and go through the mountains ... This is not the only location where the bot goes to fly the master and then resigns from the flight and runs through several provinces.
  9. Hello, I question whether it is possible to switch bot mode rotation for many targets? Bots usually have this button (when using a fighting class + WRotation, I'm not talking here about grinding, etc.) Usually bots with rotation have a button that allows you to switch bot combat mode for one target, to fight against multiple targets. Can we do this in Wrobot ? If not, can I suggest this as an idea to upgrade bot? Adding features that turns an alternative fighting class should not be a problem and it would be a big convenience.
  10. yeaaa... I'm just stupid... ofc. that works now :) I have thought the idea that I have to restart the bot ... Sorry for the false alarm.
  11. Hello, I would like to report a bug related to this topic: http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/2810-druid-wont-use-mangle/ In version 3.3.5, the Druid doesn't use Mangle (Cat), ability isn't located in the list of spells. When I typed it manually it doesn't work. I also tried the profile made by BetterSister the topic: http://wrobot.eu/files/file/609-335a-feral-dps-aio-v10-release/ Unfortunately, just as in my, Mangle doen't work. Probably it not recognized as a spell. The log does not have any reference to the character tried to use this ability. I also did a profile that contains exclusively mangle, also does not work.
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