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  1. I didn't get the coords, but using this profile I got stuck flying straight into the wall at Serpent's Spine, and was force dc'ed...also, in Townlong Steppes, I get stuck with the message: [Normal] 13:55 - Player attack before being attacked by Krik'thik Scentlayer (lvl 88)...the mobs are invisible, but leave a trail..I don't know if my problem was running the bot on my hunter, due to tracking, but I sat there staring at invisible mobs leaving cloudy tracks behind them indefinitely until I stopped the bot. Other than those spots, works fine for me...Thanks for the hard work! -Erv
  2. Version 1.0


    Fight class I made for personal use to level my paladin from 85-90 Talents Used: 15: Long Arm of the Law 30: Fist of Justice 45: Selfless Healer 60: Clemency 75: Sanctified Wrath This fight class does several things: Against any number of attackers, this fight class casts Avenging Wrath and Guardian of Ancient Kings on cooldown. Defensively, under 80% HP, flash of light is cast (typically with 1-2 stacks of Selfless Healer) to bring the paladin back to full. Additionally, at 35% HP, Divine Protection is cast, and if the paladin gets to 20% HP, Lay on Hands will be cast. Versus 1-2 mobs, it performs a normal FCFS (first come, first serve) rotation, using Crusader Strike, Judgement, and Exorcism to build holy power then using Templar's Verdict to dump holy power. Versus 3+ mobs, this fight class uses Hammer of the Righteous to build holy power, and Divine Storm to dump holy power. [*]In any situation, this fight class keeps Inquisition (30% increase to holy damage, 10% crit increase) up 100% of the time, while also casting Blessing of Kings every 60 minutes on the dot. [*]Against a mob that is spellcasting, Rebuke is immediately used to interrupt the cast. If Rebuke is on cooldown, this profile attempts to use Fist of Justice to stun the target, and interrupt spellcasting with the stun. This profile is NOT recommended for level 90 at this point, due to the fact that I'm still in the leveling process from 85-90 on my paladin, and have not included a level 90 talent in the rotation, however, it can certainly be used for grinding purposes, and would be suitable as a fight class on a gathering toon.
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