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Posts posted by JonnyK

  1. 9 hours ago, Droidz said:


    Droidz I think I figured out the issue....I carried over files from my old computer when I was running the program before....so I reinstalled the program and did not copy over any files from my other computer and the bot is working like a champ with the fight profiles and gatherer prfole. I was just too tired last night to realize to check that issue

  2. 1 hour ago, Droidz said:

    Will do later today. Sorry for the stressed sounding post. I worked a 12 hour day spent two hours in traffic then started my account to bot on so by time I was ready to let it run and it didnt work I was just out of energy. 

    But today when I get home I will send you the log.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Izzy_29 said:

    When blizz bans you its a system that bans you. They dont check every acc too see where the mats and gold is going to. They really dont care.

    I have same guild since from start of legion, everyone that would take one look at that guild would see that is just bots and level 1 char to sale items. 
    It 95% same class also, but here I am months later made endless gold but still nothing. 


    That is sweet man.....wish I would have done that at the start of the expansion....I spent most of the gold but i still left like 800k and so much mats on my accounts that are suspended until May.....most likely those mats and gold wont be there by then. 

  4. 23 minutes ago, Izzy_29 said:

    I lost 3 acc to the ban wave, but guess most of us did. But since from the fix zero ban or warning from blizz. 
    Zero guild lost, only items that were on banned acc. 
    Dont mask my IP. Just have a relogger that logs out every 2-3 hours for 10-15mins. Turn them off when I sleep 5-7 hours. 

    I would always add one at the time. Make him 100%, as checking if he is getting stuck or acting like a bot. 
    If take the time to master the setup, you will reduce the risk of getting banned. 


    Yeah we all got banned back in November....but it was not my practices that got me banned. But I do want to secure my items and gold in case of another big ban. So if you say teh guild bank trick works I am going to do that.

  5. 23 hours ago, Hapiguy said:

    Cast, in order of ability, IMHO:

    1) Guardian Druid (Has travel form, no need to mount, is VERY hard to kill, even in 780 ilvl greens, great mobility)

    2) Vengeance DH (Kills decently well, bots well, hard to kill, outstanding mobility)

    3) Blood DK / Prot Paladin (Kills decently well, hard to kill, good mobility)

    4) Prot Warrior (Low damage but really good survivability)

    Just my opinion..

    Do you let your Druid level? and how often do you replace his gear? also what do you farm?

  6. Here is my proposed Bot Set Up. 

    1 x Account runs a guild for the bank (only used to add toons to guild and nothing else)

    1 x Account is used to post auctions on AH (create 8 different toons so the same name does not appear often on the AH)

    8 x Accounts are running as bots farming various items and putting all gold and items into the Guild bank 

    This entails three different Battlenet accounts none of which are my main Bnet account. The idea is when I need gold on my main toon I will post an auction of something normal like an herb and the AH toon will buy the item. I assume this will mask my activity enough to keep my Main account from getting a suspension or ban. I will lose some money to the AH but at the end of the day its free gold right? 

    I wont transfer large sums of gold as to keep it slightly normal. Any thoughts on how to make this stronger or what to change?

  7. In the past I used Feral and Moonkin druids and a Frost Mage. Sadly those accounts were suspended back in November in that big wave. I am wanting to come back to botting in a big way now with the Token Change. So my thought is pay for three bot accounts to run as DK's and Druids and use the gold to get more accounts. I currently have one account I am only using as a Guild Master Owner of bank account, One account I am using to only post auctions with 8 different toons, and the bot accounts will put everything int he guild bank to hopefully protect my gold and items to sell. Any thoughts on this plan?

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