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compostor's Achievements

  1. Version 1.0.0


    Recommended character level: +20 Recommended herbalism level: +50 Herbs available: Peacebloom, Silverleaf, Earthroot, Mageroyal and Briarthorn. Settings: Use search range of 300 Simple herbalism route for Horde toons. Made for WOTLK, but might work for anything pre-Cataclysm aswell. No sharp turns, I recommend having atleast +60% mount for this one. Make sure you have decent class rotation if you're low level, you might have to fight multiple harpies at the top left part of Barrens.
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Recommended character level: +70 Recommended mining level: +205 Veins available: Gold, Mithril, Truesilver, Thorium, Dark Iron Settings: Use search range of 300, enable indoors mining Simple mining routine for Burning Steppes, only for TBC and WOTLK usage, tested with WOTLK.
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Recommended character level: +50 Recommended mining level: +205 Veins available: Iron, Gold, Mithril, Truesilver, Thorium, Dark Iron Settings: Use search range of 300, do not mine indoor nodes Just a simple pre-cataclysm mining path. Tested in WOTLK, but might work in TBC and vanilla aswell.
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