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Posts posted by Drflippy

  1. 25 minutes ago, Hapiguy said:


    If you're willing to put a little time into it, this program is a true gem.

    We have MUCH lower population than others, such as DB, etc. which is, imho, an absolute plus to this program, if for no other reason than our lack of visibility in the grand scheme of things.

    The staff is very active, updates frequently, and has a good grasp of what people want/need.

    They also don't seem to be afraid to call things as they see them, which is also important.

    You're on the verge of joining a very tight-knit community, with many VERY dedicated members.

    Read up on things, ask questions, and you'll be able to do pretty much anything you're looking to do.

    Best of luck to you!

    Thanks I will be officially joining later tonight or the morning depending on how tired i am from school/work!

  2. Hello, when it comes to botting I have hardly no exp with them, I can remember using a fishing bot in wotlk and that sums up my exp with them. I have been following the website mmowned for quite a while now and WRobot seems like a very promising product with a tight knit small community which would be superb. would like to hear from users about pros/cons of the bot and if the are noob friendly. Also does this bot offer like a 1 day free trial or something to see if it would be a good fit for me before i invest into it? Thanks and happy hunting everyone! :biggrin:

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