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Posts posted by Danen

  1. I tried using Google's DNS, tried not using VPN at all, still keeps cutting my internet or better said the Internet adapter just disappears.
    I tried reinstalling WiFi adapter drivers, no luck. Its strange as it was working perfectly few days ago... 
    Only happens when I press login on the Wrobot and starts attaching to the game.

  2. Hey, I've have been using ExpressVPN with Wrobot all this time and was working like a charm, last two days I can't make it work.
    I loging to ExpressVPN to change the country and IP adress and login wow and everything works until I turn on Wrobot. As soon as I press Login on the wrobot, my Wireless adapter gets "lost". And I either need to pull out the WiFi adapter out of USB or restart PC. And can't even use the product now. :(

  3. Hey Droidz, I know you did adress in several other topics that its solved but for me the issue remains.

    What it does is when it gathers a herb or mine it mounts up and gets of the ground a little bit but as soon as it hits higher terrain it goes on the ground and keeps walking until picking up the next herb/mine which goes into repeat mode then. 

    Is there any way forcing the bot to get to higher altitude?

    Thanks in advance mate.

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