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Everything posted by Duskydandelions

  1. Probably one of those things that can't be done with the fight class editor or I'm missing the blatantly obvious.. but I would like to drop totem mastery if I don't have the buffs and I'm in combat. For those not familiar with ele shaman, the buffs that you get when you cast it are Resonance Totem, Storm Totem, Ember Totem, and Tailwind Totem. TIA!
  2. Thank you so very much! Unfortunately, still not casting them, BUT! no compile errors, so we're heading in the right direction! :) Guess I'll have to wait till the buff bits via the editor are working once more. Your guys' help is super appreciated!
  3. Sorry -- I don't understand what you mean .. Don't suppose you could show an example of a full line? I tend to script by route.
  4. It doesn't cast either of them. :(
  5. I'm a newb, so be gentle.. :) Trying to do a custom fight class.. and I have everything working BUT casting Ice Lance/Flurry when Fingers of Frost(2) / Brain Freeze are active. What am I doing wrong? (Besides everything :P ) Thanks! frosty mage.cs
  6. Sorry if this is somewhere blatantly obvious but my search-fu is failing me. Is there a way to change what the pause/stop hotkeys are? Default being ALT-X and ALT-C. Thanks!
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