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Everything posted by darkt

  1. oke i will wait his reply, thanks for the service.
  2. if you dc when a gm wispers you that is going to be a instant perm ban, seeing most other bots also have that feature and get instand banned for it xD
  3. btw you do know most private server run that version instead of the one you guys are supporting? just to let you know, so might be a good idear to add that version to the private server list maybe ?
  4. yes i bought private server key, can i then get it refunded so i can buy the correct key ?
  5. Hi there i bought the private server key, but when i try to use it it tells me this license key is for an other WRobot program, Please check your key here: Http://wrobot.eu.clients/purchases Using: http://download.wrobot.eu/wrobot/oldversion/WRobot_6.2.3_20886_FINAL.zip on wow 6.2.3 (20779) (X86) whats am i doeing wrong because the 3 day trial did work before.
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