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Everything posted by n0ne

  1. just find their realmlist and use a 32bit client
  2. Hey, can you activate my keys for this legion version please? Thanks !
  3. Ok ,i made it work. First quest had an hidden objective (learn steady shot) which is automatically validated on the server, so the pulse wasnt really "pulsing". I couldnt make "UseItemOn" work for the second quest so i made a UseScriptOn with RunMacroText("/use Foreman's Blackjack") Pretty strange, the UseItemOn is not working , maybe the api call is not good on mop server.. Thanks for your time ! @Droidz btw is there an api to control the "Chose Character Screen" , i would like to automatically delete and create my char with the same name at some point. I need to farm guild xp.
  4. Doesnt seem to be the problem, it seems cant even send a "print" lua call to the wow client
  5. Hi, I'm trying to develop some quester profile.for 5.4.8 server (Helios) It seems any LUA the quester tries to send to the client doesnt work. I tried to send /target Training Dummy and /cast Steady Shot with the "UseScriptOn" and "InteractWIthNPC" quest type, "CastSpellOn" doesnt work either. https://www.wowhead.com/quest=25139/steady-shot (I deblacklisted the Training Dummy before) So i bypassed this quest, and i have a problem with the UseItemOn for the quest https://www.wowhead.com/quest=25134/lazy-peons , it just wont use the item form my inventory , in any way. I even tried with wManager.Wow.Helpers.Lua.RunMacroText("/target Training Dummy"); Is there a lock on LUA on post-WOTLK clients? Any help is welcome. No log include because, quester just goes to waypoint and does nothing. Thanks
  6. Hey, downloaded old wrobot version to play on uwow legion, seems licence key wont work. (other versions are ok)
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