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Everything posted by kongul

  1. I have been a previous user for two years on th see private server side. I let my account lapse in September. When i went to sign up up again, i see the price has essentially quadrupled. I had previously paid $20 and now its $80. I think that is a bit crazy. I understand you lost your live service but why jack the rates for those users who used private servers for so long?
  2. I purchased my renewal for my private server subscription on September 8th. My year was ending on September 9th. I am now getting that my subscription is ended. Please fix this.
  3. How can I add a step in quester to run a specific macro one time. Thanks.
  4. How can I add a step in quester to run a specific macro one time. Thanks
  5. I think the best solution for me is to modify the auto accept plugin but LUA is not my strong suit. Here is the existing code: while (isLaunched && Products.IsStarted) { if (Conditions.ProductIsStartedNotInPause && Lua.LuaDoString<bool>("return StaticPopup1 and StaticPopup1:IsVisible();")) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); Lua.LuaDoString("StaticPopup1Button1:Click()"); Logging.Write("[Auto Accept] Popup accepted"); } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100 * 5); // Wait .5 sec I know i need to change the second command string to be " SelectGossipOption (1)" but not sure what the first dostring should be. Thanks again.
  6. I am trying to get a bot to do some gathering tasks similar to a netherwing egg farm. The bot is correctly going to the item and picking it up- however, the item requires a select gossip option to complete the gather. Its not a confirm BOP or I could use the plugin. This is for a private server so no wowhead links. Thanks
  7. I am trying to write a healing fight class for vanilla. I have experience writing them in wotlk. My question is how do you define which spell rank to use. When using the creator you can select the rank. When you add two spells with the same name and convert it to C# you get: new SpellState("Heal", 2, context => true, false, true, false, false, true, true, true, true, 0, false, false, false, false, false, false, wManager.Wow.Helpers.FightClassCreator.YesNoAuto.Auto, "", "none", true, true, false), new SpellState("Heal", 1, context => true, false, true, false, false, true, true, true, true, 0, false, false, false, false, false, false, wManager.Wow.Helpers.FightClassCreator.YesNoAuto.Auto, "", "none", true, true, false), Not sure where the spell rank is found. When writing the code out, you define the spell but not sure which rank it will select. Example: private Spell _heal; _heal = new Spell("Heal"); Where would I define the spell rank? I would be interested in using multiple ranks for downranking spells. Thanks
  8. The line && o.HaveBuff ("Bad Curse") Where bad curse is just the filler. I put the name of the curse in there. Is there a way to do it by spell ID. I will try and get some logs.
  9. I have a shaman healing class written in C# and I am trying to add a function to cast cleanse spirit when a specific debuff is put on any members of a party. Can anyone tell me what I am missing: #region cleansespirit bool cleansespirit() { if (!_cleansespirit.KnownSpell) return false; if (!_cleansespirit.IsSpellUsable) return false; var members = getPartymembers().Where(o => o.IsValid && o.IsAlive && o.HaveBuff("Bad Curse") && !TraceLine.TraceLineGo(o.Position)).OrderBy(o => o.HealthPercent); if (members.Count() > 0) { var u = members.First(); WoWPlayer healTarget = new WoWPlayer(u.GetBaseAddress); if (!TraceLine.TraceLineGo(healTarget.Position) && healTarget.IsAlive) { { Interact.InteractGameObject(healTarget.GetBaseAddress, false); _cleansespirit.Launch(); return true; } } } return false; } #endregion Thank You
  10. How would i use this in wrobot? I also saw a cast by spell id in the API page. Just need to figure how to implement it in wrobot.
  11. I am on a server with some custom spells. I used the development tools to dump the spell book and I can see them there. However, I am unable to add them to a fight class. I have the name and spell IDs. When I "Add Spell" by name it does not work. Is there a setting that I am missing or do I need to write macros for each ability and do LUA scripts? Is there a way to use the spell ID instead of the name? Here is an example from the spell book dump Standard Spell Auto Attack (Id found: 6603, Name found: Auto Attack, NameInGame found: Auto Attack, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True) Custom Spell (notice no name in the front) (Id found: 193358, Name found: , NameInGame found: Breath of Respite, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)
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