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Everything posted by Zylo

  1. Thanks! Yours is by far the best MM hunter profile I've found.
  2. Hi, This is a very good DPS fight class. I wanted to share my version of it. If anyone has any suggestions for it please let me know. I am using it to farm silk and I am getting an insane amount of kills per hour. Some things I added: 1. Top priority spells are to "finish off" the targets. (Cast Marked Shot and/or Arcane Shot/Sidewinders if enemy below certain # of health) 2. Uses mend pet 3. Uses aspect of the turtle and then bandage 4. Uses pets fetch Things I am working on for the future: 1. Better aspect of the turtle + bandage (sometime's it doesn't let the bandage finish) 2. Add ability to use healing potions 3. Add the ability to cast Feign Death and then pet's Play Dead and WAIT for a few seconds. If anyone has any suggestions on how to add these please let me know. zylo MM hunter.xml
  3. Thanks, it works pretty good.
  4. Hi, How can I have it cast Aspect of the Turtle and then immediately after cast BANDAGE ? The bot would need to pause while the bandage is being channeled. Also wondering how to use ancient healing potion (I tried run macro text but it just keeps trying to spam it over and over) Thank you!
  5. Hi, I am trying to get wrobot to use my MOLL-E engineer mailbox, I have the option selected but it doesn't appear to be even trying to use this. It always ends up with a full inventory of greens on a grinding profile. Any suggestions? Thanks
  6. Hi, I am in a zone where sometimes the bot goes underwater and that's fine, but occasionally it stays under too long and dies. I don't want to blacklist all of the underwater areas so how can I prevent this? Thanks
  7. Hi, How can I make wrobot loot corpses using my pets Fetch ability? thanks
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