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Posts posted by xandrosz

  1. 3 hours ago, Sophie_ said:

    Hey, that's what i tried, but even if i blacklist an area, if the bot see a node in this area he will try to gather it :/
    edit: I know right about nighthuntress spawn area, but i want to blacklist a specific area but as i said the bot go in this area because it see a node on it map

    Hm, that's weird.

  2. No need to copy the name of the Item!


    /script BuyMerchantItem(1) Order Resources Cach

    /script BuyMerchantItem(2) Lean Shank

    /script BuyMerchantItem(3) Fatty Bearsteak

    /script BuyMerchantItem(4) Big Gamy Ribs

    /script BuyMerchantItem(5) Leyblood

    /script BuyMerchantItem(6) Wildfowl Egg

    /script BuyMerchantItem(7) Cursed Queenfish

    /script BuyMerchantItem(8) Mossgill Perch

    /script BuyMerchantItem(9) Highmountain Salmon

    /script BuyMerchantItem(10) Stormray

    /script BuyMerchantItem(11) Runescale Koi

    /script BuyMerchantItem(12) Black Barracuda

    /script BuyMerchantItem(13) Aethril

    /script BuyMerchantItem(14) Dreamleaf

    /script BuyMerchantItem(15) Foxflower

    /script BuyMerchantItem(16) Fjaneskagll

    /script BuyMerchantItem(17) Starlight Rose

    /script BuyMerchantItem(18) Leystone

    /script BuyMerchantItem(19) Felstate

    /script BuyMerchantItem(20) Stonehide Leather

    /script BuyMerchantItem(21) Stormscale

    /script BuyMerchantItem(22) Unbroken Claw

    /script BuyMerchantItem(23) Unbroken Tooth

    /script BuyMerchantItem(24) Shaldorei Cloth

    /script BuyMerchantItem(25) Arkhana

    /script BuyMerchantItem(26) Ley Light Shard 3

  3. Hey guys, i downloaded this custom profile:

    with following settings:

        /* _________________
        * Settings:
        * _________________ */
        public const string Message = "Hello, how are you?"; // Message at send.
        public const bool SendWhispers = false; // put 'true' to send whispers at all nearest players, put 'false' to send messages to the selected ChannelId
        public const string ChannelId = "2"; // channel id (2 == trade)
        public const int EverySeconds = 40; // Time in seconds between two send

    How can i change the Channel ID to the SAY Channel ? I really appreciate any help. Greetings.

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