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Posts posted by Sophie_

  1. Looking also for that, i want to do something like this

    if the npc X dont have the questID X, then skip this step
    I guess we can do something with the "IfHasNotQuest" but i dont know what to put as parameter (as i dont know how to program those things)

    I hope somebody know how to do this :)

  2. Bonsoir, j'aimerais créer un profile qui, va à l'entrée d'un raid en particulier, rentre et fait le chemin pour tuer les boss. Le soucis est que je n'ai strictement aucune idée quel produit utiliser pour, j'ai pensé au "custom profile" étant donné qu'il n'y avait aucun autre produit qui me semblait correct avec mais après y avoir réfléchi je sais pas si le profile grinder pourrais faire le travail.. une idée?

  3. On 16/10/2016 at 5:11 PM, lirty said:

    Merci a toi pour cette config mais je ne suis pas très familier avec le langage c# et la programmation en général :D je penser plus a un fichier xml ^^ sinon pour etre plus clair dans mes problème et vu que je n'est jamais vu fonctionner une rotation en heal je ne sait pas trop comment sa se passe. Deja mon plus gros probleme c'est quand je lance ma rotation rien ne ce passe le bot ne heal personne. Si je target un ennemie pendant un combat la il va commencer a ce heal mais que lui pas les membres du groupe.Faut-il target un player en donjon pour que le bot heal ou il gere automatiquement les target ? j'ai essayer plusieur condition heal percent, target distance , target , in combat mais rien i fait.

    Il me semble que les profils heal se programme en C# et ne peuvent pas être crée avec l'outil de creation de fightclass proposé par wrobot

  4. On 10/10/2016 at 2:35 AM, Buddy said:

    I get "you are not allowed to download this file" on anything I try to download.

    I dont understand  why I am not allowed to download a file. Any advice would be much appreciated 

    Got this when i did not have an active sub but was using a friends key, you also have a error code, right? share it here so they can find the problem easily

  5. Thanks for the video but i got a dumb question, if you set the spell as "aoe", will it use it when you have 2+ monsters on you or it will just use it when it's available?

    edit: Also, i did not find anything about a condition for multi target, for example, i want to use multishot when i have couple of monsters on me, is that possible?

  6. Hey, thanks for this guide :) i got a question about profiles. I had the idea to create a gatherer (mine/herb farm) but dont really have any idea to create one. So is it risky to use a public profile? Even if i use 2-3 hours per day (or less)
    btw, thanks again for the plugin, didnt know these plugins existed haha 

  7. 11 hours ago, szazaroth said:

    well, to start sorry didnt mean to come off as a douche.  second Mrbottie you continuously posting nothing is making you look like a asshat. third, "ok so i been using HB for years, i dont really need a bot for questing or making gold. I do need a bot for a good resto druid rotation. HB idk if its cutting it.  someone enlighten me on wrobot."  is what i wrote the first time.  So, i asked if someone can enlighten me about wrobot.  i think that's clear as fuck.  i am coming from HB, i am pretty sure that also clear as fuck.  So, lets start with well shit maybe tell me the difference between WB and HB.  Why WB is better then HB.  i think from the world enlighten and mean telling you guys im from HB should point the pictures

    In my opinion (never used another bot than wrobot) it has a small community (instead of hb which is known) so i dont think it's detectable (at least for now) like chapperz said, as for feature, wrobot got a lot of feature (you can try it to see what it has etc)

  8. On 02/10/2016 at 9:59 AM, Jechtshot said:

    What's your product settings? The "Fish in school" option should be on. Also, turn on Precision Mode. I usually have both of them on whenever I fish in several different schools

    Default product setting, i'll try it later with "fish in school" option and precision mode, thanks.



    On 02/10/2016 at 10:36 AM, Droidz said:

    Hello, can you send me screenshot of you current "Product Settings".

    Can you also share your log file please (http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1779-how-to-post-your-log-file-with-your-topic/).

    I will post logs tonight ;) thanks for answering fast

    EDIT: Product setting screenshot: 83747b9983.png

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