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Everything posted by Sophie_

  1. Coucou, j'ai eu du mal à le retrouver, mais test ça De souvenir il pêche juste, il ne lancera pas l'objet et fera des dégâts au mob
  2. Yes, in my country (and i guess it's like that everywhere) if a pc game is opened, they wont take back the game
  3. Not every 15 mins to 2 hours, but a lot more since 7.1 update yes, sorry for no logs i did not have dc since 1 or 2 days
  4. As Moonpie said, start fisherbot product without selecting a profile, it will try to fish in front of your char
  5. Hey, that's what i tried, but even if i blacklist an area, if the bot see a node in this area he will try to gather it :/ edit: I know right about nighthuntress spawn area, but i want to blacklist a specific area but as i said the bot go in this area because it see a node on it map
  6. Hello, i got a question about blacklist an area. As you probably know, there is an elite called nighthuntress syrenne in suramar, who, cause me lot of trouble when i use my profile, so i tried to blacklist the area where she is, but the bot still try to gather node close to her, and obviously, aggro her and get killed.. Any idea if i can blacklist the area+node in this area?
  7. @Droidz said he will not add vanilla support so i don't think so :/ Btw, will they keep nostalrius name for their new private server?
  8. Did you updated your game by launching battle.net launcher?
  9. As i know, you can't turn the attack when dismounted thing, or i did not found it yet
  10. Does it happen on specific moment? Mine freeze and crash sometimes when i enter in headless horseman dungeon
  11. Nope, you can use another mount (i use sky golem) and the, when you'll get X slots remaining in bags then the bot will switch to mammoth, sell grey/green (or whatever you selected :) ) items and switch back to your normal mount
  12. I only activated selling gray items, and the bot sell them when i have two slots remaining See the "min free bag slots" in advanced settings
  13. Go to advanced general settings, Vendor (Selling or Buying) section and click on "use traveler's tundra mammoth" and "selling" like this
  14. Do you have "Attack before being attacked" setting turned "ON" in your general settings? Because, as it says, it will attack every mobs before he aggro by itself
  15. Load gatherer product, go to Product Settings and disable "Skip node if player near" here
  16. Yes, it also got updated for 7.1 version, just be aware if you use old fightclass, it seems like outdated druid fightclass dont works perfectly
  17. Il faut modifier les noms des sorts ou jouer avec le client en anglais pour qu'il fonctionne correctement
  18. Hi, im looking for a plugin that target player when someone is close to me, i dont know if Me Human do that with the ability to disable the /wave thing. If anyone know, feel free to answer :)
  19. Exactly, price was a bit lower yesterday on my realm but today it's normal price and a bit higher for felslate/jewelcrafting item
  20. Well, it worth if you have ton of blood of sargeras and have jewelcrafting as me ;) free felstate hehe
  21. Confirm gather profile taking fly master for no reason and go in another zone (which we did not have before the last hotfix update you did Droidz) It worked with the version you released for 7.1, but it f****d up when i downloaded the last hotfix update
  22. Hello, i guess you have to change the item name if you are not playing english version? Edit: nevermind, as you said it works without the name :D
  23. Hey, how does it works with the realm name? My realm isnt in a single word and with an accent, any idea?
  24. Thanks a lot ! I will try it later ;)
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