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Posts posted by Vanguard

  1. So.  For me, I just bot for 300 minutes and hope for the best as far as what the bot will get quantity wise.

    If I could tell the bot "Stop when you have 500 Starlight Rose in my bags" it would be awesome.  I know what levels I want to maintain of each item, so this would just keep the bot running until it reaches its goal.

    Hopefully this makes sense!  If there is a way to already do it, LET ME KNOW!! 


  2. Hello Friends!

    So I was checking out some of the different modules and thought I would try Automation.  Clicked a few check boxes and put in that I wanted to farm Starlight Rose, Leystone etc.

    I am in Suramar and I hit 'start'.  Ran around for a bit then the toon took a light to Azuna and ran around for a few minutes then headed back Surmar and then to High Mountain.

    What is the logic that it is following when you hit start ?


    Thanks for your replies ! 



  3. Hello!   I am trying to add a spell into my Mage rotation but because it is a flying spell, the bot does it twice (I only want it to go once).

    Is there to detect this ? ie 

    { "Fire Blast",  { "player.buff(48107)", "!player.lastcast(Fire Blast)", "!player.lastcast(Phoenix's Flames)"}},

    Obviously the ! within the quotes means 'NOT'. 

    Thank you for any help! 

  4. Max Near 0 doesnt seem to work for me. Not sure the distance, but the bot will just walk up to a node with a bad right on top of it.  0 Might just mean, ignore the setting all together.  Either way, no worries. 

    I just figured that a setting for detecting I am combat with say 4 things chasing me, it would be better off just ignoring the node and continue running.

    Thanks for the reply. 


  5. 16 hours ago, chapperz said:

    You complain that the thread is not being read then complain when someone replies. What is it exactly you want?

    For an advanced member, I kinda expect more.  If you read his comment, it had nothing to do with my issue.  He has a druid issue and his English is terrible.  

    So before you flame ME, how about you read the entire thread?

    @eeny - Thanks for the reply.  With all botting its not IF you will get banned, its when.  I hate to waste so much time leveling bot toons just to have the account banned.  If that makes sense. 


  6. Running a custom route and I would like to know if there is an option to ignore a node if I am being attacked (while mounted).  I am in a higher level zone and would be great if I could just keep running on my mount instead of dropping into gathering while I have a few mobs chasing me.


    Thank you ! 


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