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Everything posted by Arkatetk

  1. Ok, it works great now. Thank you.
  2. Is there anyway for the bot to stop rotation when I press a key to use a cooldown. Anytime I try to use my cooldowns manually the bot will keep going through the rotation making me unable to use it. It's nearly impossible for me to perfectly design my rotation to use the cooldowns when I need to use them so I use them manually instead. However the bot doesn't always allow me to use them when I need to.
  3. I lowered the latency settings but how do you access the console and what did you set exactly?
  4. Would love a answer to this as well.
  5. Yeah, I turned that on and when I go to a target dummy I don't see any difference in the DPS. When I watch the bot use spells I can see it highlight a spell then use it rather than use immediately as it comes up. It's like it has to think before acting, is there a way to make the bot respond quicker or do priorities at a faster pace? I heard you can create routines in LUA or something would that make them faster? My ilvl is 872 as Fury and I do max 250-300k dps. I should be doing far more than that at my ilvl.
  6. Yes, I have min set to 25 and max set to 150. Should I try setting max lower?
  7. I've created a full fleshed out fight profile for the warrior class. Though, I feel like the abilities being used aren't being used immediately as they come up. I have FPS set to 50, I have the combat option checked (In advanced settings) and on some abilities that have no global cooldown aren't being used immediately with other abilities. If I were to manually press Battle Cry and Odyn's Fury I could use them at the exact same time but the bot will wait between uses even though I have Battle Cry set to not wait during casting. I just feel like the bot is reacting very slow and it's hindering my DPS.
  8. As of 7.1.0 update the following condition(s) are not functioning correctly: Buff Casted By Me I used Shield Block as my rotation and it uses this condition. However in the update it stopped working.
  9. I am making a FightClass for Fury Warrior spec and what I am trying to achieve is to make it so that my Dragon Roar is ONLY casted before the use of Rampage. But the problem is Dragon Roar is a CD and Rampage is based on rage. So if I put Dragon Roar before Rampage in priority it will always be used regardless if Rampage is available. But if i make it so Dragon Roar is only used if Rampage is available causes another issue. Rampage in my rotation can only be used if I am not buffed with Enrage or if I am at a 100 rage. So it seems impossible to do this through FightClass editor. Is there a LUA code where I can make it so that Rampage becomes available that when the bot goes to use it that it always casts Dragon Roar if it is available before casting Rampage?
  10. So I am creating my own Protection Warrior FightClass file. What I am trying to achieve is the following; Cast Ignore Pain if neither Focused Rage or Ignore Pain Vengeance buffs are present. Cast Ignore Pain ONLY if Vengeance: Ignore Pain is present. So what I've done is created two Ignore Pain spells in priority. One that casts only if neither are present and one that casts only if one is present. The reason I do this is to start the rotation you always want to begin with Ignore Pain and not Focused Rage. However, the buffs themselves only appear once one of them is applied. Is there a simpler way to make it so that Ignore Pain can check if neither buff is present and then only recast Ignore Pain once of the buff is present? Thanks.
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