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Everything posted by Narache

  1. Hello, is it possible to partial name of items? Using Wildcard or regex ?
  2. I use a very simple fight class without custom C# or Lua call. (Je suis dev moi meme, user de bot depuis 10ans environ, jai une config de base, jai pas de conneries de config, tout est clean. C'est juste depuis la nouvelle update que tu viens de push que j'ai le probleme, je sais pas trop ce que tu as push mais tu as du laisser passer une betise :p)
  3. Hey, I have very high CPU usage since last update (30min ago). Usage is 35% per session on a i7... No plugin, with grinder profile
  4. You can set a lua variable whenever you cast that set the name of the casted spell. Then read it, so youll know what was your last spell !
  5. Hello, is there any interface to register to Wow event via FrameScript_SignalEventHandler Im planning to do a "quest recorder" bot base and so I will need to register to some events (Quest accepted, completed ect ect...) It is possible to implement and can be very usefull (even for plugins, fight classes ect...) depending on how your IPC work, i hope it can be feasable!
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