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  1. Привет! Может кто помочь по покупкой Gift Cards для подписки.
  2. Although it is unclear, but thank you
  3. Hello, i was wondering if anyone can help me with code. You need a code to switch the complexity of the raid (normal/heroic/normal). RunLuaCode ResetInstances(); - not suitable for solving the problem.
  4. Именно этот обход у Богдана не брал.
  5. Через анти-капчу! https://vk.com/market-173487801?w=product-173487801_5574065%2Fquery
  6. The character stopped moving after the update Profiles (Grinder and Quester) are started but do not work. The bot is standing still Wrotation it works properly! I attach event log. 8 июл 2021 12H08.log.html
  7. 09:31:13 - Update has finished. 09:31:13 - Update file: Relogger.exe 09:31:13 - 1 file(s) need to be updated 09:31:13 - Check for updated files. 09:31:11 - 1 file(s) need to be updated 09:31:11 - Check for updated files. 09:31:11 - Product changed: WRobot for Wow Mists of Pandaria (
  8. The program constantly requests an update of one file. 09:29:17 - 1 file(s) need to be updated 09:29:17 - Check for updated files. 09:29:17 - Product changed: WRobot for Wow Mists of Pandaria (
  9. Рабочих ротаций под сирус на данные классы нет. Как вариант через костыли в виде доп. софта.
  10. На какой класс нужна ротация?
  11. RunMacroText("/cast Название каста")
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