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Posts posted by Mykoplazma

  1. Supermacro is and addon to extend macro lenght - and only that. Maybe that function thing. But that is not important. Try to put that in lua part:


    number = 5;
    for bag = 0,4,1 do 
    	for slot = 1, GetContainerNumSlots(bag), 1 do
    		local name = GetContainerItemLink(bag,slot);
    		if name and string.find(name,"Soul Shard") then
    			if i > number then PickupContainerItem(bag,slot);


  2. http://www.dropbox.com/s/swkm98q0a1jzoux/Susawow Patched 5.4.8.zip?dl=1&file_subpath=%2FSusawow+Patched+5.4.8  try that but change realm in config.wtf . Tauri client have some special files in  main directory like scan.dll etc you can connect without them so maybe this is their anti hack check fix. Idk if the server will kick you if you don't have the files when the scanning order is send ( because tauri is enabling scanning sometimes not all the time )

  3. On nightbane admin in invisibility is going around the spots ( they are checking the time /played without logging too ) and he is adding to the mob currently attacked god mode. If you still attack it - banana. Grinder is very visible write your own grinding method and use very large area ( harder to spot by ppl - going merry o round in 20 yard circle is not good idea ) 

  4. Even if they can scan thru process I doubt the can scan memory of each of the process so they cannot know what exactly each process is doing. So if you name your script as a notepad.exe or other random things they will never be able to find that  you are cheating them. But well the best way is just to make some account and play some time. Or maybe they can detect if the key click is a hardware action or not but this is another kind of story.

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