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Posts posted by createdby

  1. Hi everyone
    I am currently writing the Argus questline and I have a problem

    how did the bot use the Vindikaar Console?


    and how does he click my first point?



    other Problem

    Waypoint on Vindikaar no aviable?


    thanks for answer

    best gregards

  2. same with aszuna

    <QuestsSorted Action="If" NameClass="wManager.Wow.Helpers.Lua.LuaDoString&lt;bool&gt;(@&quot;&#xD;&#xA;local achievementID = 10665;&#xD;&#xA;local indexCriteria = 1;&#xD;&#xA;local id, name, points, completedA, month, day, year, description, flagsA, icon, rewardText, isGuild, wasEarnedByMe, earnedBy = GetAchievementInfo(achievementID);&#xD;&#xA;if completedA then return completedA end&#xD;&#xA;local criteriaString, criteriaType, completed, quantity, reqQuantity, charName, flags, assetID, quantityString, criteriaID, eligible = GetAchievementCriteriaInfo(achievementID, indexCriteria);&#xD;&#xA;return completed;&quot;)" />
    	<QuestsSorted Action="Pulse" NameClass="Aszuna1" />
    	<QuestsSorted Action="EndIf" NameClass="wManager.Wow.Helpers.Lua.LuaDoString&lt;bool&gt;(@&quot;&#xD;&#xA;local achievementID = 10668;&#xD;&#xA;local indexCriteria = 1;&#xD;&#xA;local id, name, points, completedA, month, day, year, description, flagsA, icon, rewardText, isGuild, wasEarnedByMe, earnedBy = GetAchievementInfo(achievementID);&#xD;&#xA;if completedA then return completedA end&#xD;&#xA;local criteriaString, criteriaType, completed, quantity, reqQuantity, charName, flags, assetID, quantityString, criteriaID, eligible = GetAchievementCriteriaInfo(achievementID, indexCriteria);&#xD;&#xA;return completed;&quot;)" />


  3. ok thanks for that

    I did it that way, but he still wants to jump in Stormheim1

    	<QuestsSorted Action="If" NameClass="wManager.Wow.Helpers.Lua.LuaDoString&lt;bool&gt;(@&quot;&#xD;&#xA;local achievementID = 10668;&#xD;&#xA;local indexCriteria = 1;&#xD;&#xA;local id, name, points, completedA, month, day, year, description, flagsA, icon, rewardText, isGuild, wasEarnedByMe, earnedBy = GetAchievementInfo(achievementID);&#xD;&#xA;if completedA then return completedA end&#xD;&#xA;local criteriaString, criteriaType, completed, quantity, reqQuantity, charName, flags, assetID, quantityString, criteriaID, eligible = GetAchievementCriteriaInfo(achievementID, indexCriteria);&#xD;&#xA;return completed;&quot;)" />
    	<QuestsSorted Action="Pulse" NameClass="Stormheim1" />
    	<QuestsSorted Action="EndIf" NameClass="wManager.Wow.Helpers.Lua.LuaDoString&lt;bool&gt;(@&quot;&#xD;&#xA;local achievementID = 10668;&#xD;&#xA;local indexCriteria = 1;&#xD;&#xA;local id, name, points, completedA, month, day, year, description, flagsA, icon, rewardText, isGuild, wasEarnedByMe, earnedBy = GetAchievementInfo(achievementID);&#xD;&#xA;if completedA then return completedA end&#xD;&#xA;local criteriaString, criteriaType, completed, quantity, reqQuantity, charName, flags, assetID, quantityString, criteriaID, eligible = GetAchievementCriteriaInfo(achievementID, indexCriteria);&#xD;&#xA;return completed;&quot;)" />

    area is Aggrammar's Vault :blink:

    what can i do

    thanks for your help

  4. I try to explain it differently

    for this success
    you have to explore individual areas

    if I have explored an area begins the next profile

    If i start the area again that I have already explored the bot should skip the area
    if he has already explored that



    he explores the area: Felblaze Ingress

    then he goes to the next area: Nar'thalas

    I stop the bot and start the profile again then he wants to go again to the area Felblaze Ingress

    but he has already explored

    So I need a solution that he then continues in the area Nar'thalas

  5. hey droidz thanks for your answer

    I copied the code you posted,
    If I then start my profile, he should skip the area actually because he already has the success

    but he also wants to fly into the area

    Is it correct that way?

    do I have to change something?


    thanks for your help





  6. Hi

    I am writing a quest and I wanted to know if it is possible
    to make condition for this achievement


    Query: I have the achievement, yes or no
    is it yes go to area 2
    is it no go back to area 1

    I would like to incorporate that into my questsort

    <QuestsSorted Action = "Pulse" NameClass = "Aszuna" />

    sry for my bad english i hope you understand me
    Google Translate


    thanks for help





  7. think what you want quite honestly I am not cheating anyone or deceive you that! and there is certainly not one of the opposite!
    it is ridiculous


    but you can see what I got on the picture of droidz for prewiev and they differ so much from the current no I do not think so

  8. I've taken my preview out when it comes to you I'm not doing better

    the reviews were from the old thread so that others see the pack before also good was therefore I had the screenshot created

    where I've deleted bad criticisms nowhere

    I do not care about the criticism everyone can rate what he wants

  9. yes I have only posted individually
    so started it
    but I thought if I make all into a thread then it is better because in the download area is more place
    but making everything into a thread is impossible
    I wanted the droidz to make the old posts unhidde again but this is unfortunately not possible

    so I have created new ones

  10. where is your problem I have all free profiles in a merged because of the overview

    I have previously asked if the order is ok @droidz
    it's not about hiding bad reviews, but to have a better overview and

    Iám useroffline i change my name is this forbidden?

    with my screenshots I do not give me any advantage I wanted to show only what other users say
    and I think there is no one here who can say that I am not around the people here
    I answer everyone and if there is a problem I fix it so fast it goes
    if someone bought something for me bought the did not work I immediately pay his money back
    I cheat if you think that

    is this forbidden?

    best regards

  11. alles schon geschaut es gibt keine fehler er macht was er soll 

    vor einiger zeit habe ich eine Druiden Heal Fightclass geschrieben die auch bisher funktioniert heute habe ich die Pala Heal Fightclass geschrieben und auch diese funktioniert

    aber beide mit dem selben ergebniss


    dann habe ich mir eine dll aus dem Forum gesaugt und getestet bei dieser ist es nicht so -.-

  12. Englisch User


    I wanted to ask if someone can tell me how the CanCondition for pets is


    So I want to level my pets

    And when they have reached a certain level, the bot should change to another area. Is that even possible?

      I thank you

    Happy Botting wants UserOffline



    German User


    ich wollte fragen ob mir jemand sagen kann wie die CanCondition für Haustiere ist


    Also ich möchte meine Haustiere leveln

    und wenn sie ein bestimmtes Level erreicht haben, soll der Bot in ein anderes Gebiet wechseln. Ist das überhaupt möglich?

     Ich danke euch im Vorraus


    Happy Botting wünscht UserOffline

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