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Everything posted by reza

    Getting some weird results with this, i don't know if you still update these but I have attached a logfile 6 May 2017 16H34.log.html
  1. Version 4.3.4 (15595)


    This is a working Bear Form I use for farming on Private Server for Cataclysm. Working version 4.3.4 (15595) Mangle - Working Lacerate - Working (Stacks 3 times) Pulverize - Working (Used after 3 stacks of Lacerate) Faerie Fire - Working (Uses when ready, Feral only) War Stomp - Working (Obviously for only Tauren) Enrage - Working (Used when in combat and ready) Berserk - Working (Used when in combat and ready) Maul - Working (Used only when extra rage)
  2. I had this issue also Droidz provided answer that helpd be in another post Hello, Try to increment min/max latency. For it: Go to tab "General Settings". Button "Enter advanced settings…". Go to tab "Other options". Edit option "Latency – Min x ms | Max: x ms". (try to use 500 and 800) I changed mine to 800 and 1000 and it skinning started to work perfectly
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