Hi, I'm using WRobot for gathering in Grinder Mode. It works perfectly.
But I also use Easy WoW Toolbox at the same time for Climb Hack.
If I loging in manually, first i start WoW then EWT second and WRobot last, iI get no error message and it works fine.
But I use the relog function.
So, if i get an disconnect and WRobot is relogging, it gives me this error message and freezes itself and the WoW window.
Hope u can help me or make something that i can set this function to ignore in the WRobot settings.
20:37:01 - [2face's Realm Hop] Waiting before hopping/signing up again [E] 20:37:03 - Wow try to call protected function, if this happen frequently please report it. [E] 20:37:03 - [WarGuard] Call > GetThreadContext from: 3f81dec0 rebased: 3f6fdec0 20:37:03 - [Farming] Farm failed [E] 20:37:18 - Error injection: Cannot launch it, skipped.