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Posts posted by RonSwanson

  1. 50 minutes ago, Zickefoose said:

    The only issue I have is if someone is intentionally trying to tag something right before you. In most cases this person knows your botting and is messing with you. Once the bit targets, it's ready to attack. So if someone attacks the mob between the time you target and the time you actually deal a blow to the mob someone jumps in and tags it. There is no way you can fix that as far as I know. He would have to add the feature. It would be nice to have though.

    Well said and yeah maybe a feature to check if the mob is tagged after you first attack and if it isnt your tag then move on.

  2. This is a large issue, this is the only thing keeping the community able to completely AFK bot without turning off looting.

    It will blacklist vendors before the bot reaches them, and then forces the bot to run to the next location (which will be a higher level zone 90% of the time) and cause it to die.I feel like this should be a higher priority if its not already in the top. Will there be a fix for this soon? I love the bot and your work droidz but this is a large issue.

  3. 22 hours ago, Doobie said:

    Hey so is there a way to fix the bot Stutter on Pull. If you are a melee character , you cannot set your search radius greater then your melee range. That really is not okay because you miss out on so many mobs due to the such small search radius.If the bot gets aggro from a mob that is out of search range, the bot will stutter walk until it reaches the mob. 

    Will there be a fix for this?

    Seems to work fine with a Fight Class, so there must be something going on with the pull method in c# in this specific right class in C#.

  4. The bot should not be attacking the other faction as in horde for example. Is there a way to make the bot just attack Mobs and ONLY IF you are attacked by the opposite faction then the bot can attack. Even better, if you are a melee character and are attacked by the opposite faction the bot should honestly just like emote dancing and die because it will stutter walk to the player especially if its a ranged character. 


    This happens if you have attack before being attacked checked BUT there should be an option with that to check DONT attack opposite faction.

  5. Hey so is there a way to fix the bot Stutter on Pull. If you are a melee character , you cannot set your search radius greater then your melee range. That really is not okay because you miss out on so many mobs due to the such small search radius.If the bot gets aggro from a mob that is out of search range, the bot will stutter walk until it reaches the mob. 

    Will there be a fix for this?

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