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Posts posted by RonSwanson

  1. 15 minutes ago, iMod said:

    Damn that was my other idea :D Well maybe you need to check the general bot setting. I'm not sure but i think there was a option for autoattacks.

    Found nothing like auto attack in the libs. May thats a question for @Droidz

    Okay lol!

    [E] 17:15:29 - RunMacroText(string macro): System.NotImplementedException: RunMacroText(string macro) not impremented in WRobot for 1.12.1
       at wManager.Wow.Helpers.Lua.RunMacroText(String macro)

    Thats the error I get when I try running a macro in the vanilla API


    @Droidz Is there a way to control auto attacks like toggle on and off with the C# Api? If not can we get that functonality. As auto attacking is fine levels 1 - 6 for example. But around 10 + ideally a caster will just be casting and wanding. 

  2. Hey ever since the new update my Fight Class does not cast spells anymore and yes I had the spells on my action bar. It uses The spells in the Buff rotation work but the combat spells and the pull spells no longer cast. 


    UPDATE: IsSpellUsable in C# api was broken as of yesterday and was always false. My bug was that I was negating it because it was always false. In the update today it must of gotten fixed thus breaking my code. 

  3. 18 minutes ago, iMod said:

    This should prevent you from doing auto attacks, I'm not sure if the bot uses auto attack. if yes it could make problems in stopping it.

    Okay I will try think I tried that and it gave me a LUA error ingame dunno if thats a function in Lua. 

  4. Hey guys I am seeking a way to call a function to stop and start Auto Attacking. I am making a caster routine and all is fine until the target gets within auto attack range and starts auto attacking which is fine at low levels but at higher levels it looks very dumb. C#

    Not necessary but would be nice, also trying to figure out how to get the Fight class to wand. 

  5. 17 hours ago, iMod said:

    First tipp: Create a simple xml routine with one spell and the conditions you need and check the generated C# code.

    If you want to check items use:

    ItemsManager.GetItemCountById(1234) > 0

    For your pet attack you could use lua:


    You can check the target of the mob:

    WoWUnit target = ObjectManager.Me.TargetObject
    if (target.TargetObject != ObjectManager.Pet)
       // Do something

    If you want to check the debuff's at your target:

    Spell debuff = new Spell("DebuffName");
    bool hasDebuff = ObjectManager.Me.TargetObject.HaveBuff(debuff.Ids);

    All that stuff is not tested but i hope it will help you out.
    Greez iMod

    thanks any clue how to Stop Auto attacks? lmao

  6. So I am working on a new warlock Fight Class in C# and I can get it to cast demon armor but I cant get it to cast any other spells. My debug I get

    [D] 23:57:55 - [Spell] Demon Skin (Id found: 687, Name found: Demon Skin, NameInGame found: Demon Skin, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False)

    But that happens for every spell I try to cast. 

    Also how would I get a  if statement in the void walker , I need to check if an item = soul shard is in the inventory and the item count >= 1. API would be sexy lmao.

    Also how can I set my pet to attack? ObjectManager.Pet doesnt have an attack method.

    Also how can I check if my pet is tanking the mob?

    Last thing, I need to figure out how check if my target has a curse on him or not.







    Made a profile and messed around with a Fight Class, both are working great however for some reason when ever my character, which is a caster casts  ma spell the character keeps moving towards the target every time it casts a spell? Looks pretty weird. Not sure if that's a bot issue of a Fight class I am using. 


    Making a quick video and posting the profile and fight class. Also the bot is not running to the vendor I have on my profile why?


    UPDATE: so once I turned on sell items it went to the vendor so thats fine. But its till moving forward when it casts. Also if the bot goes to sell to a NPC it needs to clear its target or else when the bot goes to head back to grind it will keep saying invalid target, because its trying to attack a friendly faction. 

    Profile & Fight Class

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
    <GrinderProfile xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
          <Name>Dun Morogh</Name>
          <TargetFactions />
            <Vector3 X="-5677.838" Y="-406.6276" Z="365.6974" />
            <Vector3 X="-5716.38" Y="-325.8808" Z="364.65" />
            <Vector3 X="-5712.65" Y="-230.2953" Z="356.8734" />
            <Vector3 X="-5740.469" Y="-165.0858" Z="363.5298" />
            <Vector3 X="-5788.255" Y="-124.5637" Z="356.1683" />
            <Vector3 X="-5891.815" Y="-104.41" Z="369.4734" />
            <Vector3 X="-5982.93" Y="-169.9809" Z="401.9089" />
              <Position X="-5633.44" Y="-496.477" Z="396.6902" Type="Flying" />
              <Name>Golorn Frostbeard</Name>
          <BlackListRadius />
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
    <FightClass xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
        <FightClassName>Fight config name</FightClassName>
          <FightClassConditions />
          <SpellName>shadow bolt</SpellName>
          <FightClassConditions />
          <FightClassConditions />
              <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionNumber">
          <SpellName>summon imp</SpellName>
              <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionNumber">
              <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionItemNumber">
          <SpellName>summont voidwalker</SpellName>





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