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Posts posted by kintoesti

  1. 9 hours ago, Droidz said:

    Hello, if you want use profile create one big loop (like than grinder or gatherer profile), and save the profile in folder "WRobot\Profiles\Battlegrounder\" (for  Eye of the Storm use file name "[A]EotS.xml" for the Alliance profile, "[H]EotS.xml" for Horde profile)

    when putting it in free mode and using my custom made profile im getting this error

    [BG] [A]EotS.xml empty, use MapLandmarks.

    and it still use the normal profile.




  2. Hello. Since the BG patern files are getting stuck alot (for 5.4.8 atleast) I was wondering how I can modify or create my own battleground files.

    I play on a servers where theres only 4 bg rotating and all of them have path errors. so I would like to modify it. I could release the final product to the public.

  3. Hello. im using the battlegrounder on Warmane 5.4.8 server. but the bot is not always queuing after each bg. I do it like 70% of the time. Does I am the only one ? please help :)


    I have 2 addons running Recout & REflex for battleground stats.


    EDIT: I might have to run a macro each minutes not try to tag bg but I don't have a clue how to do this.


    EDIT2: Using this macro is patching the bug but still its spamming errors in lua code. probably one part of the fix.

    /run for i=1,GetNumBattlegroundTypes()do local _,_,_,_,BGID=GetBattlegroundInfo(i)function JB(I)JoinBattlefield(BGID==I and i)end JB(32)end

    EDIT3: Again the macro works 70% of the time so the problem isn't fixed.

    EDIT4: This macro seems to have fixed the problems the other macro have.

    /click PVPMicroButton
    /click HonorFrameSoloQueueButton
    /click StaticPopup1Button2


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