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Everything posted by kintoesti

  1. Hello this would be very useful on all pserver version. if you need help just ask me :)
  2. use grinder one at start. but then switched for battlegrounder. since battlegrounder follow a direct line. I wanted to use hotspots. well I want to create a profile atleast to fix the "I jump of the WSG graveyard then I try to go back on it" its very obvious.
  3. when putting it in free mode and using my custom made profile im getting this error [BG] [A]EotS.xml empty, use MapLandmarks. and it still use the normal profile. [A]EotS.xml
  4. asking the same thing yesterday, still no answer...
  5. Still didnt find a way. in the battleground settings I see itsin free mode does that means it don't use profiles ? if yes theres anyway to make it use profiles ? and how to create them.
  6. Hello. Since the BG patern files are getting stuck alot (for 5.4.8 atleast) I was wondering how I can modify or create my own battleground files. I play on a servers where theres only 4 bg rotating and all of them have path errors. so I would like to modify it. I could release the final product to the public.
  7. go in advanced settings then other options and put the latency number higher
  8. Hello. im using the battlegrounder on Warmane 5.4.8 server. but the bot is not always queuing after each bg. I do it like 70% of the time. Does I am the only one ? please help :) I have 2 addons running Recout & REflex for battleground stats. EDIT: I might have to run a macro each minutes not try to tag bg but I don't have a clue how to do this. EDIT2: Using this macro is patching the bug but still its spamming errors in lua code. probably one part of the fix. /run for i=1,GetNumBattlegroundTypes()do local _,_,_,_,BGID=GetBattlegroundInfo(i)function JB(I)JoinBattlefield(BGID==I and i)end JB(32)end EDIT3: Again the macro works 70% of the time so the problem isn't fixed. EDIT4: This macro seems to have fixed the problems the other macro have. /click PVPMicroButton /click HonorFrameSoloQueueButton /click StaticPopup1Button2
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