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  1. fire elemental has a cool down which prevents this from spamming. the lua script for searing totem and flame tongue i got somewhere here on the forum and adopted it from rogue's weapon poison iirc. earth shock: will have a look at it, this is a good hint. for me just using it for fighting while gathering it works pretty good.
  2. Wutzy

    Triggering Sendmail

    Hi y'all, while gathering i'm using one herbal bag and one mining bag. it may come to the situation, that free places are left only in the herbal bag. then after mining there is no looting possible and the error message 'inventory full' rises. the bot keeps gathering until sending mail is triggered by no more left empty bag places. i think it would make sense that the error message 'inventory full' should also trigger the sendmail routine. so far ... greetz Wutzy
  3. sorry for triple answer ... got messed up with screen redraw
  4. just to confirm the fix - works great ;)
  5. just to confirm the fix - works great ;)
  6. just to confirm the fix - works great ;)
  7. Hi y'all, while running a gathering profile the sending mail function does not send all the farmed items to the mail recipient, but leaves a handfull items unsent in bags. In detail there remains more than 12 Stacks of ore or herbs, so even if the mail sending routine would send only mails with all 12 item places occupied, it should have sent more than it actually did. Does anyone have any hint for me, how to deal with this? Greets, Wutzy
  8. Version 1.1


    EDIT (Droidz): Updated translation here: http://wrobot.eu/files/file/535-deutsch-german/ after revision here is the updated version -- nach der ersten Revision hier die aktualisierte Version
  9. Hi All, just new to this bot I send you my first try of an ele shaman fight class. If you're interested please give it a try and let your comments. hints welcome ;) WutzyShaman-Elemental.xml so far, Wutzy
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