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Everything posted by jeste309

  1. My two accounts is banned yestoday of stromforge sever。I just use wrobot two days ago 。 I guss sever can detect who use wrobot。Maybe Wrobot need update to avoid ban。Is anyone else in the same situation as me?
  2. When I play another 5.48 mop server , wrobot worker good, wow client never closed by itself . It means stormforge server maybe detected wrobot .@Droidz, My wow client works good.
  3. When lauched wrobot,wow client will relod one time, after 10-30 seconds, wow client close by itself.
  4. same here, just tested it, game closes after 30-60 secs, waiting for solution.
  5. When i play stormforge(Wow 5.4.8 server ip is SET realmlist "logon.stormforge.gg" ), after lauched wrobot, wow clent close after 1min. Can anyone have other solution.
  6. I want to add the code "wManager.Wow.Helpers.Chat.SendChatMessage("123", wManager.Wow.Enums.ChatTypeId.SAY);"in to the grinder profile, what can i should do. part--1.xml
  7. I have tested this methord, bot can target then move and attack the obj. I just want target the obj whithout attack, have any other methord i can target the obj?
  8. When i use the code: WoWObject obj1= wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.GetNearestWoWUnit(wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWUnit()); uint address = obj1.GetBaseAddress; "wManager.Wow.Helpers.Interact.InteractGameObject(address, true, true);" The bot Target the monster then autoattack. How can i target the monster but not attack , just target the enemy. What api shoud i use.
  9. horde quest . I know there are two id's.. 10120 is horde's quest id.
  10. Today i make a OutLand question(quest ID:10120 ,name:Arrival in Outland ),this quest is the first quest in Ountland. The bot can pick up the quset , but it can't turn in the quest .When i see the bot's "In Game" function, the bot already complete the quest ,but in fact it didnt turn in the quest. I test it so many times. I already uploaded the quest file ,can anyone help me? arrive in outland.xml
  11. My game client is chinese client. The mount name is "迅捷森林狼号角", the mount item id is 18797(http://db.vanillagaming.org/?item=18797).
  12. I set up ground mount in the gather fuction . Found such a problem. When the character moving on the gather Path,after found a mineral or herbal , then bot found a new move path, it automatically dismount ,mount ,then go to the mineral or herbla . After gather , BOT found path back to the original path,game characters then mount ,dismount to the path. Most times the game character mount ,then dismout, mount again. I already uploaded the LoG. How can I solve this problem,Waiting for everyone's reply. Sorry for my poor english. 15 三月 2017 11H37.log.html
  13. jeste309

    Relog bug

    Sometimes when the game Server maintenance,loging,you can see the server line selection screen, but click the server line,can't get into the game. This situation The relog function of the BOT is no use, after Server maintenance,stuck in the server selection screen. ( In this situation I already stuck so many times ) Suggestion: If The bot can't log into game , return to the account input screen, or the bot can auto select the server lines.
  14. My game vision is TBC,now i found tow bugs: First: When i learn new skills which is in fight class, bot cannot cast the skills which learnd right now. after close the bot ,all it's ok. Second: when i creat fight class ,after use development tools(click spell books), my skills appear. then learn new skills,click spell books again, the number of skills no changes.
  15. jeste309

    pathing again

    where can i download the maps?
  16. jeste309

    pathing again

    please upload vanilla and tbc meshs
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